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Camera image capture example returns images out of sequence #6047

Closed easytarget closed 2 years ago

easytarget commented 2 years ago


ESP32 DEV modules with cameras

Device Description


Hardware Configuration

ftdi serial for programming and debug



IDE Name

Arduino IDE 1.8.18

Operating System


Flash frequency

not relevant

PSRAM enabled


Upload speed




As per #5805 Images captured by the CameraWebServer example are 'delayed' by several frames.

This is trivial to reproduce by configuring and running the example, connecting from a browser, stopping the stream and then repeatedly hitting 'Get Still' while moving the camera's pov (or waving a hand in front, etc). The frames returned are always 1 or more images behind the actual camera view when the capture was taken.

This seem to be an effect of the camera working like a queue; with the framebuffer holding (fb_count+1) images.

Enhancement Request:

The solution (as noted previously) is to insert: config.grab_mode = CAMERA_GRAB_LATEST; line 54 in the examples here and elsewhere.

Or at least document it more loudly; I've lost a whole morning debugging this ;-) It's quite obscure and until I discovered config.grab_mode I had no clue what was happening, and google wasn't being much help.

Possible bug:

NB: I say the framebuffer is fb_count+1 images long, because that is how it appears to work in practice..

This look suspiciously like there is an underlying 'off by one' error somewhere in the closed-source side of the camera code.


This happens with the built-in example.
Files->Examples->ESP32 Dev Module->ESP32->Camera->CameraWebServer

Debug Message

None applicable here

Other Steps to Reproduce


I have checked existing issues, online documentation and the Troubleshooting Guide

VojtechBartoska commented 2 years ago

Hello, can you please retest this on v2.0.3-rc1?

VojtechBartoska commented 2 years ago

There were some changes on CameraWebServer, can you please retest your code?

easytarget commented 2 years ago

Bit tricky since I adapted my code to avoid this problem, but I'll see about checking out and running an older version, then testing it again asap.

easytarget commented 2 years ago

Ok, the ESP32 -> Camera example has been fixed

But if I use the framebuffer by editing camera config to force:

    config.fb_count       = 1;
    config.grab_mode      = CAMERA_GRAB_WHEN_EMPTY;

There is still an 'off by one' error, the actual number of frames is fb_count + 1

When I use the above configuration and take still images while changing the camera position before each image the framebuffer appears to actually have two entries, not one.

edit: Tested using the 2.0.3 release.

me-no-dev commented 2 years ago

frame buffer count does not start at 0. That would be very misleading if it was true. when 1 frame buffer is used, the driver can not continuously acquire frames. When you request one, it will go and wait for VSYNC, then grab the frame and give it to you, then stop the bus.

VojtechBartoska commented 2 years ago

@easytarget Can I consider this covered?

easytarget commented 2 years ago

Oh, sorry. Yes this can be closed. The documentation (in headers) for these options is improved and clearer about operation with the framebuffer. And the examples now use 'GRAB_LATEST' when capturing stills, so you get the current image directly.

wayinone commented 1 month ago

Thanks, with the information above, I solved with

    config.fb_count       = 2; // If set to 1, it will have issue here described.
    config.grab_mode      = CAMERA_GRAB_WHEN_EMPTY;