espressif / arduino-esp32

Arduino core for the ESP32
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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HTTP/1.0 issue with httpUpdate on https reverse proxy #7863

Open ThingEngineer opened 1 year ago

ThingEngineer commented 1 year ago



Device Description

Plain ESP23-CAM on an ESP32-CAM-MB connected to Mac with a 3.3' USB C to Micro USB cable. Two Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors are connected via DuPont cables plugged into extra headers soldered onto the ESP32-CAM-MB.

Hardware Configuration

The ONE_WIRE_BUS for Dallas comms is on GPIO 2.


latest master (checkout manually)

IDE Name


Operating System

macOS 10.15.7

Flash frequency


PSRAM enabled


Upload speed



Calling httpUpdate.update() produces the debug message/error below. The version check and update DO proceed despite the error. If I comment http.useHTTP10(true); on line 189 of HTTPUpdate.cpp this error is no longer thrown.

I worry that this may be breaking the server verification similar to setInsecure(). All other secure https GET/POST requests and responses work without error.

My firmware update server is reverse proxied via Cloudflare with the encryption mode set to Full (strict) which encrypts end-to-end, but requires a trusted CA or Cloudflare Origin CA certificate on the server. I used the generated Cloudflare Origin Certificate on the server. On Cloudflare I have the minimum TLS version set to 1.2, HSTS enabled, Opportunistic Encryption enabled, TLS 1.3 enabled, and Automatic HTTPS Rewrites enabled.

It seems the https proxy is not HTTP/1.0 compliant, but requires HTTP/1.1.

It would be nice to have a real fix for this but an arg to disable forcing HTTP/1.0 seems that it would satisfy the issue.


#include <Arduino.h>                    // Compatibility library for Arduino functions
#include <WiFi.h>                       // WiFi library for network connectivity
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>           // Secure WiFi communication library
#include <HTTPClient.h>                 // HTTP requests and responses library
#include <HTTPUpdate.h>                 // OTA over http library

#include "env.h"                        // Secret values

WiFiClientSecure client;

void setup() {

 * Check for a new firmware version and flash OTA if one is available
void checkForUpdate() {
  DEBUG_MSG("Checking for firmware update\n");

  httpUpdate.setLedPin(BUILT_IN_LED, HIGH);

  t_httpUpdate_return ret = httpUpdate.update(client, serverName, serverPort, serverFirmwarePath, (String)currentVersion);

  switch (ret) {
      DEBUG_MSG("HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED Error (%d): %s\n", httpUpdate.getLastError(), httpUpdate.getLastErrorString().c_str());

      DEBUG_MSG("No Update\n");

    case HTTP_UPDATE_OK:
      DEBUG_MSG("Update Ok\n");


Debug Message

Checking for firmware update
[  7937][E][ssl_client.cpp:37] _handle_error(): [data_to_read():366]: (-76) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (004C)
No Update

Other Steps to Reproduce

No response

I have checked existing issues, online documentation and the Troubleshooting Guide

SuGlider commented 1 year ago

http.useHTTP10() has to do with HTTP encoding (HTTP Header Accept-Encoding) and not with security. It is the content encoding (usually a compression algorithm) that the client can understand. By default it is false and therefore, it uses Accept-Encoding: identity, which means without modification or compression.

I worry that this may be breaking the server verification similar to setInsecure(). I worry that this may be breaking the server verification similar to setInsecure().

If commenting it out makes the application work fine, you can go with it.