Closed GrooverFromHolland closed 6 years ago
@GrooverFromHolland you might want to do a little reading about how this device functions, specifically review ATTR_IRAM
You are registering a callback that is not guaranteed to be loaded while using EEPROM()
which has to disable instruction caching while it operates.
@stickbreaker. I googled ATTR_IRAM and couldnot find any information on that, also checked all used libraries and did not find ATTR_IRAM! So how is this related to my problem?
@GrooverFromHolland do a Google search on readthedocs
The ESP32 only has 520kB of RAM, a small part ~128kB is the instruction cache. It loads program code from the 4MB FLASH, then executes from this RAM. The EEPROM()
library emulates the EEPROM in a AVR processor by allocating a RAM buffer of the Requested Size (multiple of 4096 bytes, because the FLASH has to ERASE 4kB at a time). It then applies your EEPROM.write()
to this RAM buffer, when you commit()
it Disables Cache because it has to Take control of the FLASH, (background code loading is frozen) Issues the Flash Erase command (which can take a long Time, tens to hundreds of ms). Since this task is held waiting for the Hardware, FreeRTOS finds another task that it can release, or in your case, BLE issues a callback. But, since you did not tell the compiler to always keep the callback in RAM, the Callback code is still in the FLASH which is eraseing a sector for EEPROM()
. Since the background instruction loading function needs to use the cache and the FLASH to service this callback. It explodes.
Callbacks, Interrupts, any code that can execute out of order needs to always reside in the limited 128kB instructionRam. So any code that can be called out of order needs ATTR_IRAM which forces the compiler to keep it in RAM forever. AND, every call from that code must ALSO be in RAM at all times. So, be parsimonious about which code you call.
class ATTR_IRAM MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks : public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks
@stickbreaker. I tried to implement you suggestion, but i don't understand much c++. When i build it I am getting a build error: Ble_remote.ino: 52:45: error: expected initializer before ':' token class ATTR_IRAM MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks *: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks. How to resolve this?
@GrooverFromHolland, Sorry working on Window XP Pascal program right now, Brain Fade, Try IRAM_ATTR
class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks : public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks
* Called for each advertising BLE server.
void IRAM_ATTR onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice)
Serial.print("BLE Advertised Device found: ");
// We have found a device, let us now see if it contains the service we are looking for.
if (advertisedDevice.haveServiceUUID() && advertisedDevice.getServiceUUID().equals(serviceUUID))
Serial.print("Found our device! address: ");
int rssi = advertisedDevice.getRSSI();
Serial.print("Rssi: ");
pServerAddress = new BLEAddress(advertisedDevice.getAddress());
doConnect = true;
@stickbreaker. No luck wth that: Compiling 'Ble_remote' for 'DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1'
Ble_remote.cpp.o*: In function MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks::onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice) Ble_remote.ino:59: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x3) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x4) Ble_remote.ino:59: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x6) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use .literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice Ble_remote.ino:62: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x44) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x8) Ble_remote.ino:64: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xdf) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0xc) Ble_remote.ino:66: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xf2) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x10) Ble_remote.ino:69: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x139) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x14) Ble_remote.ino:70: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x150) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x18) Ble_remote.ino:59: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xc) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x1c) Ble_remote.ino:60: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x16) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x20) Ble_remote.ino:60: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x20) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x24)
Ble_remote.cpp.o*: In function std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits
Error linking for board DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 basic_string.h:544: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x28) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x28) Build failed for project 'Ble_remote'
Ble_remote.cpp.o*: In function MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks::onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice) Ble_remote.ino:62: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x30) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x2c) Ble_remote.ino:62: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x3e) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x30) Ble_remote.ino:62: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xd6) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x34) Ble_remote.ino:64: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xe4) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x38) Ble_remote.ino:65: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xec) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x3c) Ble_remote.ino:66: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0xfa) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x40) Ble_remote.ino:67: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x106) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x44) Ble_remote.ino:68: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x10e) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x48) Ble_remote.ino:68: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x114) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x4c) Ble_remote.ino:69: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x11c) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x50) Ble_remote.ino:69: (.iram1[MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice)]+0x127) dangerous relocation l32r literal placed after use (.literal._ZN27MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks8onResultE19BLEAdvertisedDevice+0x54)
collect2.exe*: error: ld returned 1 exit status
@GrooverFromHolland , looks like you are going to have to attach it from the other direction.
separate the EEPROM()
functions away from BLE
I just spent some time on your code, can you explain what this is suppose to do?
if (pClient->isConnected() == true) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
BLEScan* pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan();
pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());
It's at the end of your main loop.
This local variable pBLEScan()
only exists for a very very short time?
@stickbreaker. That code is to show me that there is a connection with the device i am targetting and if the conection is lost for some reason: rescan and try to reconnect.
@GrooverFromHolland my question was that you are creating a pointer to an object, then discarding the pointer. The pointer goes out of scope, does the dynamic object get destroyed? created by BLEDevice::getScan()
Dumb question. I just read through BLEDevice.cpp. (ignore it)
If you don't do the EEPROM()
calls does everything else work?
@stickbreaker. Yes, It works perfect without Eeprom.
Update: Tested with Preferences.h instead of EEPROM.h and got the same problem. This means it is not likely that Preferences.h nor EEPROM.h is the cause. After removing IRremote.h and simulating the IRremote code everyting worked fine again, even with both Preferences and EEPROM. Now I must find another IRremote library that is compatible with EEPROM.h and BLE. Any help on this will be appreciated.
Didn't try on ESP32 yet, but I was using IRLib2 on an ESP8266 project and it works fine there.
I gave up on IRRemote, and I also tried an RMT library that did not work reliably. I ended up using an ATTiny85 running IRRemote, and a serial connection to the ESP32. Obviously it would have been ideal to have a working IR library running on the ESP32.
UPdate: Finally after a lot if digging in IRremote I found a solution that is working.
I deleted everything in IrSend.ccp (maybe not necessary, but I do not need it ),
modified _IRremoteh so void enableIRIn ();
can have a bool as parameter:
void enableIRIn (bool enable );
modified irRecv.ccp to:
`void IRrecv::enableIRIn(bool enable)
// Interrupt Service Routine - Fires every 50uS
#ifdef ESP32
// ESP32 has a proper API to setup timers, no weird chip macros needed
// simply call the readable API versions :)
// 3 timers, choose #1, 80 divider nanosecond precision, 1 to count up
if (enable) {
timer = timerBegin(1, 80, 1);
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &IRTimer, 1);
// every 50ns, autoreload = true
timerAlarmWrite(timer, 50, true);
else {
Before writing to eeprom or preferences I use irrecv.enableIRIn(false);
and after irrecv.enableIRIn(true);
Also irrecv.enableIRIn(true);
must be called after there is a BLE connection.
This issue is closed, because it looks as if it is not a bug or problem with the ESP32 Arduino core or its support libraries. For general API usage questions or help on specific coding challenges, please visit the arduino-esp32 Gitter channel. If you feel this issue was closed in error, reopen it and comment, why you think this is a bug in the Arduino-Core.
GrooverFromHolland's solution works, but his instructions are not correct. I've written the solution here, together with another problem that prevents IRremote.h from compiling on ESP32:
Board: DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 Core Installation/update date: 17/November/2017 IDE name: VisualStudio 2017 with visualMicro Flash Frequency: 80Mhz Upload Speed: 921600
First i have to mention that i cannot use the EspExceptionDecoder because my sketch is not compiling in the Arduino IDE: error: 'class BLEClient' has no member named 'isConnected'. This is not related to my problem. My problem is that if i want to write to EEPROM, after EEPROM.commit() or EEPROM.end() the application crashes and reboots. All EEPROM examples I could find work OK.
Debug Messages:
Opening port Port open 218148001 bright is: 5 to send = 1 [D][BLERemoteCharacteristic.cpp:543] writeValue(): >> writeValue(), length: 7 [D][BLEDevice.cpp:105] gattClientEventHandler(): gattClientEventHandler [esp_gatt_if: 3] ... ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT [D][BLERemoteCharacteristic.cpp:565] writeValue(): << writeValue here Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Cache disabled but cached memory region accessed) Register dump: PC : 0x400dafbc PS : 0x00060034 A0 : 0x400851e8 A1 : 0x3ffc0c80
A2 : 0x00000001 A3 : 0x00000002 A4 : 0x000000ff A5 : 0x40088e98
A6 : 0x00000000 A7 : 0x3ffd50e0 A8 : 0x800811f0 A9 : 0x3ff5f024
A10 : 0x3ffc10dc A11 : 0x20000000 A12 : 0x00000400 A13 : 0x3ffda2a0
A14 : 0x00000000 A15 : 0x00290000 SAR : 0x00000015 EXCCAUSE: 0x00000007
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400012c5 LEND : 0x400012d5 LCOUNT : 0xfffffff8
Backtrace: 0x400dafbc:0x3ffc0c80 0x400851e5:0x3ffc0ca0 0x4008650e:0x00000000
Rebooting... ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57