espressif / arduino-esp32

Arduino core for the ESP32
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
12.79k stars 7.24k forks source link

ETH_W5500_IDF_SPI.ino // It can not get dhcp ip. #9645

Open sirapol opened 2 weeks ago

sirapol commented 2 weeks ago


ESP32 Dev module.

Device Description

Screenshot from 2024-05-17 10-48-25 Screenshot from 2024-05-17 10-48-54

Hardware Configuration


define ETH_PHY_ADDR 1

define ETH_PHY_CS 27

define ETH_PHY_IRQ 35

define ETH_PHY_RST 15

// SPI pins

define ETH_SPI_SCK 18

define ETH_SPI_MISO 19

define ETH_SPI_MOSI 23


latest development Release Candidate (RC-X)

IDE Name

Arduino 1.8.19

Operating System


Flash frequency


PSRAM enabled


Upload speed



I using example. It can not get dhcp ip from router. I verify same cable to pc. It can get dhcp.

How to solve it ?


// This code can interface with W5500. But, It not obtain DHCP IP
#include <ETH.h>
#include <SPI.h>

#define ETH_PHY_TYPE ETH_PHY_W5500
#define ETH_PHY_ADDR 1
#define ETH_PHY_CS 27
#define ETH_PHY_IRQ 35
#define ETH_PHY_RST 15

// SPI pins
#define ETH_SPI_SCK 18
#define ETH_SPI_MISO 19
#define ETH_SPI_MOSI 23

static bool eth_connected = false;

void onEvent(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info)
    switch (event)
        Serial.println("ETH Started");
        // set eth hostname here
        Serial.println("ETH Connected");
        Serial.printf("ETH Got IP: '%s'\n", esp_netif_get_desc(info.got_ip.esp_netif));
        eth_connected = true;
        Serial.println("ETH Lost IP");
        eth_connected = false;
        Serial.println("ETH Disconnected");
        eth_connected = false;
        Serial.println("ETH Stopped");
        eth_connected = false;

void testClient(const char *host, uint16_t port)
    Serial.print("\nconnecting to ");

    NetworkClient client;
    if (!client.connect(host, port))
        Serial.println("connection failed");
    client.printf("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n", host);
    while (client.connected() && !client.available())
    while (client.available())

    Serial.println("closing connection\n");

void setup()

    Serial.println("Fin Setup");
unsigned long tUpdate;

void loop()
    // if (millis() - tUpdate > 2000)
    // {
    //     tUpdate = millis();
    //     Serial.println(ETH.localIP());
    //     Serial.println(ETH);
    // }
    if (eth_connected)
        testClient("", 80);

Debug Message

10:52:42.363 -> ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57
10:52:42.363 -> 
10:52:42.363 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
10:52:42.396 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
10:52:42.396 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
10:52:42.396 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
10:52:42.396 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1448
10:52:42.396 -> load:0x40078000,len:14844
10:52:42.396 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4
10:52:42.396 -> load:0x40080400,len:4
10:52:42.396 -> load:0x40080404,len:3356
10:52:42.396 -> entry 0x4008059c
10:52:42.562 -> [     2][D][esp32-hal-cpu.c:264] setCpuFrequencyMhz(): PLL: 480 / 2 = 240 Mhz, APB: 80000000 Hz
10:52:42.595 -> =========== Before Setup Start ===========
10:52:42.595 -> Chip Info:
10:52:42.595 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.595 ->   Model             : ESP32
10:52:42.628 ->   Package           : D0WD-Q6
10:52:42.628 ->   Revision          : 100
10:52:42.628 ->   Cores             : 2
10:52:42.628 ->   Frequency         : 240 MHz
10:52:42.628 ->   Embedded Flash    : No
10:52:42.661 ->   Embedded PSRAM    : No
10:52:42.661 ->   2.4GHz WiFi       : Yes
10:52:42.661 ->   Classic BT        : Yes
10:52:42.661 ->   BT Low Energy     : Yes
10:52:42.661 ->   IEEE 802.15.4     : No
10:52:42.661 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.661 -> INTERNAL Memory Info:
10:52:42.695 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.695 ->   Total Size        :   379844 B ( 370.9 KB)
10:52:42.695 ->   Free Bytes        :   349724 B ( 341.5 KB)
10:52:42.695 ->   Allocated Bytes   :    23052 B (  22.5 KB)
10:52:42.695 ->   Minimum Free Bytes:   344204 B ( 336.1 KB)
10:52:42.728 ->   Largest Free Block:   114676 B ( 112.0 KB)
10:52:42.728 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.728 -> Flash Info:
10:52:42.728 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.728 ->   Chip Size         :  4194304 B (4 MB)
10:52:42.728 ->   Block Size        :    65536 B (  64.0 KB)
10:52:42.761 ->   Sector Size       :     4096 B (   4.0 KB)
10:52:42.761 ->   Page Size         :      256 B (   0.2 KB)
10:52:42.761 ->   Bus Speed         : 80 MHz
10:52:42.761 ->   Bus Mode          : QIO
10:52:42.761 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.794 -> Partitions Info:
10:52:42.794 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.794 ->                 nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size:    20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS
10:52:42.794 ->             otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size:     8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA
10:52:42.841 ->                app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size:  1280.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_0
10:52:42.841 ->                app1 : addr: 0x00150000, size:  1280.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_1
10:52:42.861 ->              spiffs : addr: 0x00290000, size:  1408.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: SPIFFS
10:52:42.861 ->            coredump : addr: 0x003F0000, size:    64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP
10:52:42.894 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.894 -> Software Info:
10:52:42.894 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.894 ->   Compile Date/Time : May 17 2024 10:51:26
10:52:42.894 ->   Compile Host OS   : linux
10:52:42.927 ->   ESP-IDF Version   : v5.1.4-51-g442a798083-dirty
10:52:42.927 ->   Arduino Version   : 3.0.0
10:52:42.927 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.927 -> Board Info:
10:52:42.927 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:42.927 ->   Arduino Board     : ESP32_DEV
10:52:42.960 ->   Arduino Variant   : esp32
10:52:42.960 ->   Arduino FQBN      : esp32:esp32:esp32:JTAGAdapter=default,PSRAM=disabled,PartitionScheme=default,CPUFreq=240,FlashMode=qio,FlashFreq=80,FlashSize=4M,UploadSpeed=921600,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,DebugLevel=debug,EraseFlash=none,ZigbeeMode=default
10:52:42.960 -> ============ Before Setup End ============
10:52:43.324 -> ETH Started
10:52:43.324 -> Fin Setup
10:52:43.324 -> ETH Started
10:52:43.324 -> =========== After Setup Start ============
10:52:43.324 -> INTERNAL Memory Info:
10:52:43.324 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:43.324 ->   Total Size        :   379844 B ( 370.9 KB)
10:52:43.324 ->   Free Bytes        :   326764 B ( 319.1 KB)
10:52:43.357 ->   Allocated Bytes   :    44548 B (  43.5 KB)
10:52:43.357 ->   Minimum Free Bytes:   321012 B ( 313.5 KB)
10:52:43.357 ->   Largest Free Block:   114676 B ( 112.0 KB)
10:52:43.357 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:43.357 -> GPIO Info:
10:52:43.357 -> ------------------------------------------
10:52:43.357 ->   GPIO : BUS_TYPE[bus/unit][chan]
10:52:43.357 ->   --------------------------------------  
10:52:43.357 ->      1 : UART_TX[0]
10:52:43.357 ->      3 : UART_RX[0]
10:52:43.357 ->     15 : ETHERNET_SPI
10:52:43.357 ->     18 : SPI_MASTER_SCK[3]
10:52:43.357 ->     19 : SPI_MASTER_MISO[3]
10:52:43.357 ->     23 : SPI_MASTER_MOSI[3]
10:52:43.357 ->     27 : ETH_CS
10:52:43.357 ->     35 : ETHERNET_SPI
10:52:43.357 -> ============ After Setup End =============
10:52:47.296 -> ETH Connected

Other Steps to Reproduce

No response

I have checked existing issues, online documentation and the Troubleshooting Guide

me-no-dev commented 2 weeks ago

I have not tested with your particular pins, but this sketch works fine on our end. I use it almost daily. Can you verify the pins? Also maybe try removing the pull-ups and capacitor from the IRQ line?

sirapol commented 2 weeks ago

I have not tested with your particular pins, but this sketch works fine on our end. I use it almost daily. Can you verify the pins? Also maybe try removing the pull-ups and capacitor from the IRQ line?

This sch, I copy from another product ( Deploy more 5,000pcs ) , But it using IDF.

me-no-dev commented 2 weeks ago

You are using IDF now too. Just abstracted to Arduino

sirapol commented 2 weeks ago

You are using IDF now too. Just abstracted to Arduino

I not responsible about that project idf. And this project prefer Arduino IDE

me-no-dev commented 2 weeks ago

What I am trying to say is that Arduino is also using IDF so the code should work and it does work for us. We have tested W5500 quite a bit. This is from the latest 3.0.0-RC3:

[  1005][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 1 - ETH_START
ETH Started
[  2990][V][ETH.cpp:94] _onEthEvent(): eth0 Connected
[  2994][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 3 - ETH_CONNECTED
ETH Connected
[  7077][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 5 - ETH_GOT_IP
ETH Got IP[2]: 'eth0' (en1)
      ether 32:C6:F7:F4:2F:8C
      inet netmask broadcast
      gateway dns
sirapol commented 2 weeks ago

What I am trying to say is that Arduino is also using IDF so the code should work and it does work for us. We have tested W5500 quite a bit. This is from the latest 3.0.0-RC3:

[  1005][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 1 - ETH_START
ETH Started
[  2990][V][ETH.cpp:94] _onEthEvent(): eth0 Connected
[  2994][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 3 - ETH_CONNECTED
ETH Connected
[  7077][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 5 - ETH_GOT_IP
ETH Got IP[2]: 'eth0' (en1)
      ether 32:C6:F7:F4:2F:8C
      inet netmask broadcast
      gateway dns

What is your hardware ?

felmue commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @sirapol

I tried your code verbatim and for me it works too - the W5500 gets an IP address just fine.

I noticed that in your schematic TOCAP (W5500 pin 20) is connected to C13 which is a 10 nF. According to the specifications (see here) it should be a 4.7 uF capacitor.

20 TOCAP - AO External Reference Capacitor This pin must be connected to a 4.7uF capacitor. The trace length to capacitor should be short to stabilize the internal signals

Thanks Felix

Jason2866 commented 2 weeks ago

This sch, I copy from another product ( Deploy more 5,000pcs ) , But it using IDF.

Wrong circuit design does not get corrected by amount of build pieces ;-) The wrong choosen AO External Reference Capacitor does harm.

TD-er commented 1 week ago

Also another design tip for future designs... You should separate the power nets for the Ethernet chip and the rest. In your schematic snippets they seem to be using the same nets. (GND and 3V3) So have a single location where both GNDs are connected using for example a beefy 0 Ohm resistor to connect both GNDs and use a ferrite bead to separate both 3V3 nets.

It will most likely not cause these issues (wrong capacitor is more likely as pointed out by others), but it will make it more likely the CE testing will pass without issues.

Also please look into how the metal shield of the RJ45 connector is connected to the rest of the nets. There is lots of info online about this. Just to be sure there won't be any issue when someone is using Ethernet cables with shielding.

sirapol commented 1 week ago

After i change C13 to 4.7uF. I error more.

18:05:30.785 -> E (330) w5500.mac: W5500 version mismatched, expected 0x04, got 0x00
18:05:30.785 -> E (330) w5500.mac: emac_w5500_init(825): vefiry chip ID failed
18:05:30.785 -> E (330) esp_eth: esp_eth_driver_install(228): init mac failed
18:05:30.785 -> Fin Setup
TD-er commented 1 week ago

Maybe a closer inspection of the W5500 chip to double check it isn't a W6100 or W5100 or some clone?

Jason2866 commented 1 week ago

Maybe using the 4 GPIO mode stabilizies your setup. Just connected a dirt cheap diy W5500 module to an ESP32-C3 (via Dupont wires!!) and it is working rock solid this way.