espressif / arduino-esp32

Arduino core for the ESP32
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Possible ESP32 SPI Issue with NXP MC33996 #981

Closed ProtoG closed 6 years ago

ProtoG commented 6 years ago


Board: ESP32 Dev Module Core Installation/update date: 11/jul/2017 IDE name: Arduino IDE Flash Frequency: 40Mhz Upload Speed: 115200

Description:I'm using an ESP32 to to trigger 16 outputs with SPI and an NXP MC33996. I made a small breakout board with 16 LEDs(one for each output). My code works fine except output 8 and output 0 are not turning on. They just so happen to be the outputs associated with the last bit of the last two bytes sent to the chip. I've tried turning on one LED on at a time but I still miss output 8 and output 0. There are no shorts on the board and all the LEDs have been tested in circuit. I'm going to try it with a different MCU later just to see if I have the same issue or not.

Any ideas? See the code below:


define CSpin 5


int dlay = 100;

void setup() {





pinMode(CSpin, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(CSpin, HIGH);

SPI.begin(); }

void loop() {

Serial.println("ON"); digitalWrite(CSpin, LOW); //select slave

SPI.transfer(0b00000000); //command

SPI.transfer(0b11111111); //first 8 outputs ON

SPI.transfer(0b11111111); //last 8 outputs ON

digitalWrite(CSpin, HIGH); //de-select slave


}//end of main

ProtoG commented 6 years ago

Just tried it with an Atmel ATmega168 and it works just fine with the same exact code.

ProtoG commented 6 years ago

Here's a picture of the decoded SPI from the ATmega168:

Here's a picture of the decoded SPI from the ESP32:

They both decode to the same value: 00000000 - 11111111 - 11111111

Which is what the code is instructing them to do but the ATmega seems to keep the MOSI(purple) high between bytes and the ESP32 pulls MOSI low between bytes.

The NXP MC33996 is rated for 6MHz. I've tried SPI @2MHz and @4MHz with no luck. Any ideas?

stickbreaker commented 6 years ago

@ProtoG were both of these scope images at 2MHz data rate? The reason I ask is that the 168 calcs to 2MHz while the ESP is 4MHZ.

I would zoom in on data bytes and overlay the SCK and MOSI traces. Change your data pattern to 0xA5 (0b10100101) 0x5A (0b01011010)

Verify that the data is stable on the falling edge of SCK. SPI MODE1 samples the values on the falling edge of the clock signal. you will probably have to go down to ns divisions.

Also slow the clock way down, 100KHz, 500KHz etc. I would expect a better waveform. But, your ESP example was at 4MHz. Is this a BreadBoard? or PCB?


ProtoG commented 6 years ago

@stickbreaker The 168 is at 2MHz and the ESP32 is set at 4MHz in the screenshots. I tried the ESP32 at 2MHz as well but same result. I'll try reducing the clock speed even more and yes, it's on a breadboard for both examples.

I'm going to try SPI.transfer32() later to see if that works any better.

stickbreaker commented 6 years ago

@ProtoG 4MHz is fast on a breadboard. I remember the days of 2mhz CPU clocks and 8bit databus's needing termination to function correctly.

Your scope images are showing a lot of crosstalk and ringing/overshoot.

StackExchange has a good thread discussing SPI bus termination issues here: SPI bus termination Considerations


ProtoG commented 6 years ago

@stickbreaker So I just tried a few thing and I managed to consistently pick up the last bit of the second byte but I'm still missing the last bit of the third byte.

Here's a screenshot of my attempt at passing 32bits with SPI.transfer32():

The NXP MC3396 doesn't seem to like the 32bit transfer and doesn't turn any of the outputs on.

Here's a screenshot of first transferring 8bits with SPI.transfer(0b00000000) and then transferring the 16bits associated with the outputs with SPI.transfer16(0b1111111111111111):

That works and I can get the last bit of the second byte but I'm still missing the last bit of the third byte.

Here's another screenshot with the same technique at 125kHz:

Looking back at the ATmega168 screenshot above, the MCU keeps MOSI high even after the clock stops until the chip select pin is pull back high. Is there anyway to do something similar with the ESP32?

I didn't seem to notice a difference between change the SPI mode from 0, 1, 2, or 3. Is that potentially the issue? The NXP MC33996 responds the same with all SPI modes and all outputs but output 0 work fine.

stickbreaker commented 6 years ago

@ProtoG I just reviewed all of your ESP32 scope images, All of them show MODE0. The 168 shows Mode1. This screen shot (8BIeFjw) is easy to see Mode0: (samplings on Rising Clock). MOSI goes High before SCK. and changes back to Idle at Falling edge of Clock.


This Device is Mode1, the last bit (16) is going to be low when it is sampled, MODE1 samples after the falling edge. The datasheet shows the sample period to be between 16ns and 20ns After the falling edge of SCK is detected. The first byte only works because the MOSI bus idle state is LOW.


Before you spend more time debugging: UPDATE your ESP32 core.

There have been many changes since JULY 2017.

Your posted images all show that the ESP32 is NOT sending MODE1 data, it is always sending MODE0. So, Update to the current version then we can dive into the SPI code to figure out why it is not correctly configuring the hardware.

addition debug steps:

Run the same scope setup with trace 3(MOSI) offset ~1/5 div below trace 1(SCK) decrease voltage to 2V/div remove the decoded(MISO/MOSI The scope is not the issue) The reason for this increase resolution, I want to see how much overshoot/undershoot is being created at the device.

Have your software try Mode0 then Mode1. Let's see if the ESP32 is actually producing Mode0 and Mode1 correctly. Then we can work through the Device issues.

Can you use 0xA55A and 0x5AA5 as your pattern? (more chances for the error to happen)

Post the Scope capture and the corresponding LED (output) results.


ProtoG commented 6 years ago

@stickbreaker Thanks for the help! The issue was that SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); must be called after SPI.begin();

The code below now works and it is clearly showing MODE1. The other issue is that I even tried calling SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); in the loop which should work but that did not work either on the ESP32. All 3 cases worked on the ATmega168.

Better yet, it worked at 8MHz even though the NXP MC33996 says max of 6MHz but I'll use it at 4MHz for my project.




define CSpin 5

//#define CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS 1 //increases speed between transfers

/ESP32 SPI PINOUT MISO 19 - MOSI 23 - SLK 18 - CS 5 /

int dlay = 2000; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(CSpin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CSpin, HIGH);


SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);


void loop() {

digitalWrite(CSpin, LOW); //select slave SPI.transfer(0b00000000); //command byte SPI.transfer16(0b0101010101010101); //16 output bits digitalWrite(CSpin, HIGH); //de-select slave delay(dlay);

}//end of main`

stickbreaker commented 6 years ago

@ProtoG Great! I'm glad you found your error.

We'll have to note that SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); does not correctly configure the hardware.

Are you really using the July 2017 version?


ProtoG commented 6 years ago

@stickbreaker I downloaded and installed the Arduino core for ESP32 in November so yes. Where do I submit the issue?

Thanks again Chuck!

stickbreaker commented 6 years ago

@ProtoG So, you are using a November 2017 core, not a July 2017.

Just create a simple sketch using SPI.beginTransaction() capture the scope output post both sketch and scope image as a new issue, title it something like 'SPI.beginTransaction() doesn't work' :smile:

Unless you update to the current core, most people will assume your 'old' core was the problem and ignore it until there are other reports of the same problem happening with the 'current' core.

This ESP32 project is mainly volunteer, I am working on the I2C section because it interests me. I have successfully created a stable MASTER mode Interrupt driven library. I just expanded it to handle both I2C statemachines, now I am working on the SLAVE mode.

If it interests you, you could solve this SPI problem :grin: That could be your Boy Scout daily good Deed!

I currently don't have any SPI devices attached to my ESP32's so, I haven't use the SPI interface.


ProtoG commented 6 years ago

@stickbreaker I'm new here, how do I update to the most recent revision of the core? I tried going through same steps I used to install it in the mac terminal, but I get an error, "fatal: destination path 'esp32' already exists and is not an empty directory."

Also, I went to retest the code I saved with SPI.beginTransaction() and I had it set to MODE0 😔 It does properly set to MODE1, but still when using SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);

It must be declared after SPI.begin(); and not before.

Thank you for your work on the I2C section! I have plenty of I2C sensors in my part drawers.

stickbreaker commented 6 years ago

I don't know Apple, but under Window all of the ESP32 stuff is load in my Arduino 1.8.5 sketch directory.

in my example

c:\Users\user\My Documents\Arduino\hardware\espressif

So, to do a clean Install of the ESP32 stuff I just delete the espressif directory and everything below it. Then I can reinstall using the installation instructions.

I would upgrade to Arduino 1.8.5 then upgrade the ESP32 support.
