espressif / esp-adf

Espressif Audio Development Framework
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TS_DECODER: No Valid Audio or StreamType not supported! line:546 (AUD-5196) #1144

Open espradio opened 5 months ago

espradio commented 5 months ago

Following stream shows issues latest esp-adf [1] url= URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: E (141856) TS_DECODER: No Valid Audio or StreamType not supported! line:546 E (141857) TS_DECODER: not support, still under-developing, line:758 E (141860) AAC_DECODER: Prefill ts data error, line:405 E (141866) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [aac] AEL_STATUS_ERROR_OPEN,-1 W (141871) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [aac] audio_element_on_cmd_error,7

[1] commit 48dea7711391e0abf00c65aca18557572fc5189a (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge: 1b827c94 74c88720 Author: Jason-mao Date: Fri Feb 2 15:59:12 2024 +0800

Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_wwe_example_i2s_error' into 'master'

example: Fix exceptions caused by the impact of the new i2s API on the www example

See merge request adf/esp-adf-internal!1269
TempoTian commented 5 months ago

The audio format in mentioned TS file is MP3 which is not supported currently. Now only support AAC audio format in TS, needs a feature request to support it

TempoTian commented 5 months ago

For a quick solution you can use attached code to test, put library into components/esp-adf-libs/esp_codec/lib/esp32s3/ You may need upgrade to latest ADF if show link error.

espradio commented 4 months ago

Hi, it is esp32 not s3. Could you provide lib for components/esp-adf-libs/esp_codec/lib/esp32

TempoTian commented 4 months ago

Use following lib for esp32 and have a try

espradio commented 4 months ago

Issue log changes, i.e new issue. Looks it is not the AAC frame

name=ADF_DEBUG url= URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: E (32823) MPEG_READER: Not find an effective frame, line:758. E (32823) MPEG_READER: Resync error (line 411) E (32823) AAC_DECODER: Encountered error reading stream E (32830) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [aac] AEL_STATUS_ERROR_OPEN,-1 W (32834) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [aac] audio_element_on_cmd_error,7

TempoTian commented 4 months ago

Have you use the wrapper decode in

   aac_decoder_cfg_t aac_cfg = DEFAULT_AAC_DECODER_CONFIG();
    aac_decoder = wrapper_dec_init(&aac_cfg);
    //aac_decoder = aac_decoder_init(&aac_cfg);
espradio commented 4 months ago

It is working now. Thanks a lot. How do you suggest to integrate this? i.e a)Will ADF updated with new codec changes ? b)Will application need wrapper audio element?

    47 40 00 17 00 00 b0 0d 00 01 c1 00 00 00 01 ef ff 36 90 e2 3d ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff fb 70 c0 c1 80 10 ad 35 5d 2c 3d 0d b2 1c 9f 6b 64 f7 bd 76 59 97 1c f2 e6 5b ef 57 72 55 7a
espradio commented 4 months ago

Also wrapper logic still needs improvement as following streams is still has issue(no error, but not playing)


~~~~~ Playing->5 name=IRIB_Ava url=
TempoTian commented 4 months ago

I have tested both the 2 manifest urls, although network is pool, it can play. If you see log like below it means decode OK:

Receive music info from aac decoder, sample_rates=44100, bits=16, ch=1

Old TS parse only support filter out AAC audio, so need enhance TS parser in esp_codec to add MP3 support, . Also to support more than 2 decoder automatically for HLS, wrapper decoder is necessary, it is used to parse data and select the decoder actually used. We will research and study how to implement it, current patch version is simple but enough, if there are other issues, I think it is easy to modify the wrapper code to fix it.

espradio commented 4 months ago

I have tested both the 2 manifest urls, although network is pool, it can play. If you see log like below it means decode OK:

Got the reason why it not playing. In my application, it is playlist driven app. if I move the stream as first then it working. Looks like some clean up missing in wrapper codec.

We will research and study how to implement it, current patch version is simple but enough

OK. Let me know the path after the research. In the mean time, it will be good if esp-adf-lib updated for "Old TS parse only support filter out AAC audio, so need enhance TS parser in esp_codec to add MP3 support"


espradio commented 4 months ago

Any update on making esp-adf-lib changes to mainstream?

TempoTian commented 4 months ago

Merged on commit:

espradio commented 4 months ago

Thanks @TempoTian

espradio commented 4 months ago

@TempoTian Could you expose following API is esp-adf-lib header file with proper documentation so that my application can use this properly.

int ts_parser_search_stream(unsigned char buf, int len); int ts_parser_dec_init(void user_data); int ts_parser_dewrapper_prefilled_data(void codec_handle, int datanum, void ts_buf, unsigned char data); int ts_parser_read_data(void codec_handle, int bytes, void ts_buf, unsigned char buf); void ts_parser_dec_deinit(void *user_data);

espradio commented 4 months ago

Also who is allocating memory for mpeg_buffer_t::ts_buf in above wrapper codec

espradio commented 4 months ago

Also, These APIs internally using audio_element_handle_t which is threaded in nature? Is there version like standalone(example alc_volume_setup_process() where is does not need a thread).

TempoTian commented 3 months ago

We will add extractor module in near feature to support container parse(TS, MP4 etc), so we not decide to export these API to be public. I add simple comment of the code as below. Just think TS parser as a filter, input TS data and output audio data with internal PES cache.

/* Search from buffer to check whether it is a TS stream, return TS stream matched position */
int ts_parser_search_stream(unsigned char *buf, int len);

/* Init TS parser, TS parser only use its member mpeg_buffer_t::ts_buf, ts_buf is deinit in `ts_parser_dec_deinit` */
int ts_parser_dec_init(void *user_data);

/*Prefill `datanum` data through `data`, it will try to read from input `codec_handle` element input ringfifo until parsed data size reach `datanum` and return data size actually parsed */
int ts_parser_dewrapper_prefilled_data(void *codec_handle, int datanum, void *ts_buf, unsigned char *data);

/* Read` bytes` data and save into `buf` from parser, it will try to read from `codec_handle` element and parse to return  the actually parsed data size*/
int ts_parser_read_data(void *codec_handle, int bytes, void *ts_buf, unsigned char *buf);

/* Deinitialize for TS parser*/
void ts_parser_dec_deinit(void *user_data);
espradio commented 3 months ago

Thanks @TempoTian

We will add extractor module in near feature to support container parse(TS, MP4 etc),

Looking forward to it.