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Unable to open the sd card file while transmitting audio data to connected device through bluetooth a2dp (AUD-5602) #1245

Open MSalman9133 opened 1 month ago

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago
error_Pic sd_pic

through using example code (D:\ESP_ADF\esp-adf\examples\player\pipeline_a2dp_source_stream)

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

audio_element_set_uri(fatfs_stream_reader, "/sdcard/test.mp3"); // i had set the same path still no luck

  1. discovery and connection is absolutely fine when comes to transmission itself open the file is an error
MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

image even mounted uri path also correct,read operation is also correct,when commes to open the sdcard file return -1.

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

@projectgus @justintconroy @pedrominatel @kedars ...??

hbler99 commented 1 month ago

Have you set menuconfig > Component config > FAT Filesystem support > Long filename support ?

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

Have you set menuconfig > Component config > FAT Filesystem support > Long filename support ?

Tqs for u reply hbler99 but still the same no luck image


hbler99 commented 1 month ago

You can try set Max long filename length > 512

hbler99 commented 1 month ago

menuconfig > Component config > FAT Filesystem support > Max long filename length > 512

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

image if place 512 save and build the project after that also again reverting back to 255

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

even i had tried smaller name (renamed test.mp3 to t.mp3) i tried with that still the same

hbler99 commented 1 month ago

The SD card might be damaged. I recommend formatting the SD card and then trying again.

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

image looking fyn ryt

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

The SD card might be damaged. I recommend formatting the SD card and then trying again.

But i have tried this example iam using esp32_lyrat_mini_v1.2 board D:\ESP_ADF\esp-adf\examples\player\pipeline_sdcard_mp3_control--->this example is working on the same memory card on same board through audio codac iam getting the mp3 songs this is working fyn when comes trying to sending through blutooth iam facing this file read issue

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago


hbler99 commented 1 month ago

My configuration is as folllows, which doesn't encounter problems. 2024-08-13_10-39 image Additionally, the board used is Esp32-LyraT-V4.3

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

button_press.txt able to run the code now as if now hardcoded path able to stream my requirement is till play gpio button press it should not start streaming may i know what is the issue in above code

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

All button should be work previous button and next button and volume up and volume down bluttooth stream should be controlled by gpio buttons

MSalman9133 commented 1 month ago

@hbler99...? can u please share the refrenece if u have

hbler99 commented 4 weeks ago

What's your development board? In my way, the button flag is set by input key service

ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ 3 ] Create and start input key service");
    input_key_service_info_t input_key_info[] = INPUT_KEY_DEFAULT_INFO();
    input_key_service_cfg_t input_cfg = INPUT_KEY_SERVICE_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
    input_cfg.handle = set;
    periph_service_handle_t input_ser = input_key_service_create(&input_cfg);
    input_key_service_add_key(input_ser, input_key_info, INPUT_KEY_NUM);
    periph_service_set_callback(input_ser, input_key_service_cb, (void *)board_handle);
static esp_err_t input_key_service_cb(periph_service_handle_t handle, periph_service_event_t *evt, void *ctx)
    /* Handle touch pad events
           to start, pause, resume, finish current song and adjust volume
    audio_board_handle_t board_handle = (audio_board_handle_t) ctx;
    int player_volume;
    audio_hal_get_volume(board_handle->audio_hal, &player_volume);
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] input key id is %d", (int)evt->data);
        switch ((int)evt->data) {
            case INPUT_KEY_USER_ID_PLAY:
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] [Play] input key event");
                send_flag = true;
                ESP_LOGE(TAG, "START recording");
            case INPUT_KEY_USER_ID_SET:
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] [Set] input key event");
                send_flag = false;
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "STOP recording");
            case INPUT_KEY_USER_ID_VOLUP:
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] [Vol+] input key event");
                player_volume += 10;
                if (player_volume > 100) {
                    player_volume = 100;
                audio_hal_set_volume(board_handle->audio_hal, player_volume);
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] Volume set to %d %%", player_volume);
            case INPUT_KEY_USER_ID_VOLDOWN:
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] [Vol-] input key event");
                player_volume -= 10;
                if (player_volume < 0) {
                    player_volume = 0;
                audio_hal_set_volume(board_handle->audio_hal, player_volume);
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[ * ] Volume set to %d %%", player_volume);

    return ESP_OK;

It's referenced in pipeline_a2dp_sink_stream