espressif / esp-aws-iot

AWS IoT SDK for ESP32 based chipsets
Apache License 2.0
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Integrate the esp-aws-iot libraries within a C++ project (CA-231) #129

Open ChromaMaster opened 1 year ago

ChromaMaster commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to integrate the esp-aws-iot library in a C++ project without any success. The only library that I'm currently aware of is the coreHTTP and the esp port of the transport libraries, present in the libraries/coreHTTP/port/network_transport directory but I'm sure this would happen as well with the rest of the libraries.

After taking a look at those libraries, I figured out that the version of the coreHTTP that the project is using has no support for C++ (it doesn't add the extern "C" clause needed to link the functions with C++).

I've also taken a look at the specific version of the coreHTTP the aws-iot and the esp-aws-iot use:

Is there any plan to update the third party libraries you are using as well as to update the rest of the projec to to support integration with c++?


davidallenmann commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue. I was able to run the functions in the MQTT mutual auth demo ( by wrapping the AWS library includes with extern "C" in my C++ code.

This also had to be done in demo_config.h

// from MQTT example app_main
extern "C"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_netif.h"
#include "protocol_examples_common.h"

    // from MQTT example
    /* MQTT API headers. */

#include "core_mqtt.h"
#include "core_mqtt_state.h"

/* OpenSSL sockets transport implementation. */
#include "network_transport.h"

/*Include backoff algorithm header for retry logic.*/
#include "backoff_algorithm.h"

/* Clock for timer. */
#include "clock.h"

This also had to be done in demo_config.h (shortened version below)

/* Include header that defines log levels. */
extern "C" {
    #include "logging_levels.h"

/* Logging configuration for the Demo. */
    #define LIBRARY_LOG_NAME     "MQTT_DEMO"

extern "C" {
    #include "logging_stack.h"
/************ End of logging configuration ****************/

 * @brief The name of the MQTT library used and its version, following an "@"
 * symbol.
extern "C" {
    #include "core_mqtt.h"
#define MQTT_LIB    "core-mqtt@" MQTT_LIBRARY_VERSION

#endif /* ifndef DEMO_CONFIG_H_ */
SolidStateLEDLighting commented 1 year ago

Guys, thanks for the post/response. This is important information that helped. Yes, without the extern C declaration, you can get the project to compile but it won't link. They should a least mention this issue in the documentation in the undefined references section of the Build System documentation page.