espressif / esp-aws-iot

AWS IoT SDK for ESP32 based chipsets
Apache License 2.0
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could you please provide fleet_provisioning example ? (CA-254) #150

Closed yucelz closed 1 year ago

yucelz commented 1 year ago

I tried many different ways to create fleet_provisioning based on the aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C but couldn't figure out. The libraries' version doesn't match and caused lots of exceptions.

SolidStateLEDLighting commented 1 year ago

Fleet provisioning is all about subscriptions and publishing to topics -- then handling the responses. One of the ugly parts of the work is in reformating the provided keys into the correct form. The keys will be sent to you with 2-character printable line feeds "/n" and you'll need to change those out to non-printable line feeds (the ones you just see in action on the screen).

Other than this -- fleet provision is just messaging -- and of course the correct roles, certificates, and template at AWS. I did my project using provisioning by claim. I never figured out how to do this with the certificate signing request (csr).