espressif / esp-azure

SDK to connect ESP8266 and ESP32 to Microsoft Azure IoT services
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Fatal exception 29(StoreProhibitedCause) when connecting to Azure with ESP8266 (CA-38) #17

Open naakar opened 5 years ago

naakar commented 5 years ago


I'll get next exeption when trying to connect Azure IoT hub. Is that RAM related error or some else ?

Br Kari

Wemos mini d1 Arduino IDE 1.8.8 Azure libraries 1.0.45

Example code from: git clone

Also if I compile sensor simulation True, compiler gives: segmenatation error ??

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16 tail 8 chksum 0x2d csum 0x2d vbb28d4a3 ~ld Serial successfully inited. Do you need re-input your credential information?(Auto skip this after 5 seconds)[Y/n] You input nothing, skip... Attempting to connect to SSID: mokkula_925936 . mode : sta(60:01:94:64:cd:de) + softAP(62:01:94:64:cd:de) add if0 add if1 dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw: bcn 100 Fatal exception 29(StoreProhibitedCause): epc1=0x4000e1c3, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000018, depc=0x00000000

Exception (29): epc1=0x4000e1c3 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000018 depc=0x00000000

ctx: cont sp: 3ffffad0 end: 3fffffd0 offset: 01a0

stack>>> 3ffffc70: 3fff172c 00000224 00000224 4010020c
3ffffc80: 3ffffd40 3fff2d5c 00000008 401006dc

mnana3a commented 5 years ago

I had that error once. try Serial.setDebugOutput(false) it solved it for me

naakar commented 5 years ago

Hi mnana3a

Done Serial.setDebugOutput(false) but still exeption is happening, could that happen if connection string primary key is wrong ?

Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)

load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16 tail 8 chksum 0x2d csum 0x2d vbb28d4a3 ~ld Serial successfully inited. Do you need re-input your credential information?(Auto skip this after 5 seconds)[Y/n] You input nothing, skip... Attempting to connect to SSID: mokkula_925936 .

Exception (29): epc1=0x4000e1c3 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000018 depc=0x00000000

ctx: cont sp: 3ffffad0 end: 3fffffd0 offset: 01a0

stack>>> 3ffffc70: 0104a8c0 00000010 00000001 4021d45c
3ffffc80: 0104a8c0 00ffffff 0104a8c0 feefeffe
3ffffc90: 00000000 00000000 0000001f 40104bfd
3ffffca0: 4000050c 00000001 00000010 00000003

naakar commented 5 years ago

Hi Has anyone got Wemos mini d1 working with Azure ? Br Kari

TheGreenToaster commented 5 years ago

@naakar I was able to get the esp8266 sample from the AzureIoTHub Arduino library running on a Wemo D1 mini.

I was getting the same error until i put in the correct connection string.

I also had to set Serial.setDebugOutput(false) as @mnana3a mentioned.

sengonik commented 4 years ago

Fatal exception 29(StoreProhibitedCause): On my case of Wemos D1 mini, I 've got this messages from serial port due to my program looping to empty void. Just correctly the program void to make sure there is doesn't go through it.