espressif / esp-bsp

Board support components for Espressif development boards
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GSL1680 - Touch Screen Support (IDFGH-12257) (BSP-470) #305

Closed rtek1000 closed 1 month ago

rtek1000 commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I'm researching support for SSD1963 (LCD controller with i80 interface) and LVGL. In the same post I also found a touchscreen support reference: "These touch controllers are supported: GT911, TT21100, FT5X06"

I would like to indicate the possibility of adding support for the GSL1680 touchscreen driver IC (I2C):

Describe the solution you'd like.

No response

Describe alternatives you've considered.

No response

Additional context.

suda-morris commented 2 months ago

Hi @rtek1000 Yes, it's surely possible to add both the LCD controller and touch controller drivers based on the interface provided by the esp_lcd component. The drivers don't have to reside in either esp-idf or other Espressif repos. You can create them under your namespace and then share them in the Espressif Registry.

This video demonstrated a very good step-by-step guide.

If you want also a template of LCD and touch IC device drivers, check the lcd and lcd_touch folders here

VojtechBartoska commented 1 month ago

As mentioned by @suda-morris, we are not able to add support for all 3rd party components. Closing this as wontfix.