espressif / esp-google-iot

Google Cloud IoT SDK as an ESP-IDF Component
Apache License 2.0
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IOTC_MQTT_NOT_AUTHORIZED when trying to connect to Cloud IoT (CA-6) #5

Closed martarho closed 3 years ago

martarho commented 5 years ago

I am trying to adapt the example here (minus the GPIO) to send telemetry data to Google Cloud IoT. My code is pretty much the same as yours, and compiles, unfortunately I get an error 34, that according to the Google IoT SDK corresponds to "IOTC_MQTT_NOT_AUTHORIZED".

I set up the device and tested it using Curl and Mosquitto (both successfully) as shown in this post:

and I checked all possible parameters, but it all seems correct.

jitin17 commented 5 years ago

@martarho Did you register the device with the public key from the key pair you generated to Google cloud console?

hairpin666 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue while trying to connect to Google IOT Core.

I (4661) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip: mask:, gw: xxx.x.x.x.x.xx I (4661) APP: Initializing SNTP I (4661) APP: Waiting for system time to be set... I (6671) APP: Waiting for system time to be set... I (8671) APP: Waiting for system time to be set... I (10671) APP: Time is set... I (10671) gpio: GPIO[27]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 ERROR! Connection has failed reason 34

I stored the public key in Google Cloud and the private key under /main/certs/

Used the following to create the keys: openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out ec_private.pem openssl ec -in ec_private.pem -pubout -out ec_public.pem

==> Interestingly it worked a week ago for whatever reason.

What could be the problem?

hairpin666 commented 3 years ago

Ok, problem vanished :).

Solution 1: in the menuconfig, the variable Google Cloud location was not set correctly, I copied it from my firebase console. It's the same project but runs on europe-west3, whereas my Google Cloud instance runs on europe-west1 :). I don't know why Google has to do that but anyway.

Problem 2: The device name seems to be important. My first device was called iot-sampel-device ==> Worked My second deive called nodemcu_esp32_1 ==> throws error

I guess it's either the length or the "_".

supreetd21 commented 3 years ago

Hi @hairpin666 ,

Right, checking that the region is correct is a solution. I happened to add nodemcu_esp32_1 as the device name and it worked fine.

I had faced the above issue when I mistakenly had added the project name in place of project ID. Ensuring the apt values for the 4 options helped me connect correctly.

My config when the device connected well: CONFIG_GIOT_PROJECT_ID="iot-core-297205" CONFIG_GIOT_LOCATION="us-central1" CONFIG_GIOT_REGISTRY_ID="First-Registry" CONFIG_GIOT_DEVICE_ID="nodemcu_esp32_1"

shahpiyushv commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue as it has been resolved.

apeiris commented 2 years ago

I was trying to simulate many possible error conditions after successfully establishing a connection. This error occurs when the communications are disabled . Ensure that the communications are allowed on the device. image