espressif / esp-homekit-sdk

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Errors with example "lightbulb" #110

Closed leotordo closed 9 months ago

leotordo commented 9 months ago

Hello, I'm trying to compiler "lightbulb" example. I use IDF 5.0.2 and VS Code when I run " build" the terminal shows these errors

-- Adding linker script C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/components/soc/esp32/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld CMake Error at C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/tools/cmake/component.cmake:312 (message): Include directory 'C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_parser/upstream/include' is not a directory. Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/tools/cmake/component.cmake:486 (__component_add_include_dirs) C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_parser/CMakeLists.txt:1 (idf_component_register) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". cmake failed with exit code 1, output of the command is in the c:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build\log\idf_py_stderr_output_30000 and c:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build\log\idf_py_stdout_output_30000

Any idea? If you need some other informations like logs file, please ask me Thanks


For error C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_parser/upstream/include' is not a directory. I manually created it

now the error is

-- Configuring done CMake Error at C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/tools/cmake/component.cmake:484 (add_library): Cannot find source file: C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_generator/upstream/json_generator.c Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .cu .mpp .m .M .mm .ixx .cppm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx .f .F .for .f77 .f90 .f95 .f03 .hip .ispc Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_generator/CMakeLists.txt:1 (idf_component_register) CMake Error at C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/tools/cmake/component.cmake:484 (add_library): Cannot find source file: C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_parser/upstream/src/json_parser.c Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .cu .mpp .m .M .mm .ixx .cppm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx .f .F .for .f77 .f90 .f95 .f03 .hip .ispc Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_parser/CMakeLists.txt:1 (idf_component_register) CMake Error at C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/tools/cmake/component.cmake:484 (add_library): No SOURCES given to target: idf_json_generator Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_generator/CMakeLists.txt:1 (idf_component_register) CMake Error at C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.0-2/tools/cmake/component.cmake:484 (add_library): No SOURCES given to target: idf_json_parser Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit/json_parser/CMakeLists.txt:1 (idf_component_register) CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly. cmake failed with exit code 1, output of the command is in the c:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build\log\idf_py_stderr_output_26516 and c:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build\log\idf_py_stdout_output_26516

Anyone can help me? Regards

shahpiyushv commented 9 months ago

@leotordo have you cloned the repository correctly including all submodules as mentioned here?

leotordo commented 9 months ago

Hello, I did these steps 1) launched windows installer from Espressif website (windows version) 2) successfully built "blink" example of esp-idf-v5.1.1 framework from terminal 3) installed and configured VSCode 4) successfully built "blink" example of esp-idf-v5.1.1 framework from VSCode

After into dir of lightbulb example I launched command

git clone --recursive

and obtained this output

C:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb>git clone --recursive Cloning into 'esp-homekit-sdk'... remote: Enumerating objects: 698, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (196/196), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (85/85), done. remote: Total 698 (delta 122), reused 140 (delta 111), pack-reused 502 Receiving objects: 100% (698/698), 498.55 KiB | 1.83 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (350/350), done. Submodule 'components/homekit/json_generator/upstream' ( registered for path 'components/homekit/json_generator/upstream' Submodule 'components/homekit/json_parser/upstream' ( registered for path 'components/homekit/json_parser/upstream' Cloning into 'C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/esp-homekit-sdk/components/homekit/json_generator/upstream'... remote: Enumerating objects: 53, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done. remote: Total 53 (delta 3), reused 8 (delta 3), pack-reused 45 Receiving objects: 100% (53/53), 22.44 KiB | 3.74 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (26/26), done. Cloning into 'C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/esp-homekit-sdk/components/homekit/json_parser/upstream'... remote: Enumerating objects: 51, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (26/26), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done. remote: Total 51 (delta 7), reused 19 (delta 6), pack-reused 25 Receiving objects: 100% (51/51), 20.81 KiB | 3.47 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (13/13), done. Submodule path 'components/homekit/json_generator/upstream': checked out 'f508fc2eb29b3790a9871e493934956f133d8a8f' Submodule path 'components/homekit/json_parser/upstream': checked out 'd049e7103f667c53a45bee5d27b7c15cb13b48c7' Submodule 'jsmn' ( registered for path 'components/homekit/json_parser/upstream/jsmn' Cloning into 'C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/esp-homekit-sdk/components/homekit/json_parser/upstream/jsmn'... remote: Enumerating objects: 648, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (78/78), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. remote: Total 648 (delta 41), reused 64 (delta 36), pack-reused 570 Receiving objects: 100% (648/648), 276.05 KiB | 3.63 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (319/319), done. Submodule path 'components/homekit/json_parser/upstream/jsmn': checked out '053d3cd29200edb1bfd181d917d140c16c1f8834'

After I launched

C:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb> build

and get this

Executing action: all (aliases: build) Running cmake in directory C:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build Executing "cmake -G Ninja -DPYTHON_DEPS_CHECKED=1 -DPYTHON=C:\Espressif\python_env\idf5.1_py3.11_env\Scripts\python.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=1 C:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb"... -- IDF_TARGET is not set, guessed 'esp32' from sdkconfig 'C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/sdkconfig' -- Found Git: C:/Espressif/tools/idf-git/2.39.2/cmd/git.exe (found version "") -- Component directory C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/components/homekit does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. No component will be added -- ccache will be used for faster recompilation -- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The ASM compiler identification is GNU -- Found assembler: C:/Espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-12.2.0_20230208/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-12.2.0_20230208/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-12.2.0_20230208/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-g++.exe - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- git rev-parse returned 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git' -- Could not use 'git describe' to determine PROJECT_VER. -- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32 Processing 3 dependencies: [1/3] espressif/libsodium (1.0.20) [2/3] espressif/mdns (1.2.1) [3/3] idf (5.1.1) CMake Error at C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/tools/cmake/component.cmake:224 (message): CMake Warning (dev) at build_properties.temp.cmake:8:

Syntax Warning in cmake code at column 47

Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.

Call Stack (most recent call first):

C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/tools/cmake/scripts/component_get_requirements.cmake:3 (include)

This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git


CMake Error at C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/common/app_wifi/CMakeLists.txt:3 (project):

project command is not scriptable

Call Stack (most recent call first):

C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/tools/cmake/scripts/component_get_requirements.cmake:106 (include)
C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/tools/cmake/scripts/component_get_requirements.cmake:124 (__component_get_requirements)

Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/tools/cmake/build.cmake:574 (__component_get_requirements) C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/tools/cmake/project.cmake:547 (idf_build_process) CMakeLists.txt:17 (project)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". cmake failed with exit code 1, output of the command is in the C:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build\log\idf_py_stderr_output_34752 and C:\esp-homekit-sdk-master\examples\lightbulb\build\log\idf_py_stdout_output_34752


Whats wrong? Thanks

shahpiyushv commented 9 months ago

From your logs, it seems that the esp-homekit-sdk-master could be a direct zip download whereas the git repository is downloaded at C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/esp-homekit-sdk/. So, the example at C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/examples/lightbulb/esp-homekit-sdk/examples/lightbulb is expected to work. However, to keep things clean, I would recommend to delete C:/esp-homekit-sdk-master/ and clone esp-homekit-sdk directly in C:/.

leotordo commented 9 months ago

solved. Thank you very much