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Unable to Add Accessory - This accessory cannot be used with HomeKit #115

Closed AMoo-Miki closed 8 months ago

AMoo-Miki commented 8 months ago

I pulled in the latest commits from the release/v3.4 branch of ESP8266_RTOS_SDK and from the master branch of this repository. My heads are at fec8e98a and 3e6955a respectively.

I rebuilt and flashed a Garage Door Opener on an ESP8266, with code that has been working fine for months. I accidentally did an erase_flash and had to remove the accessory from Home to add it back.

Sadly, Home told me that it was Unable to Add Accessory and that This accessory cannot be used with HomeKit.

However, the logs on the ESP8266 say otherwise:

######## Starting Pair Setup ########
Pair Setup M1 Received
Pair Setup M2 Successful
I (63246) HAP-GarageDoor: Pairing Started
Pair Setup M3 Received
Using pair-setup without MFi.
Pair Setup M4 Successful
Pair Setup M5 Received
Pair Setup Successful for F4BD5D88-9094-4E49-B869-5E7872DD5759
I (71393) HAP-GarageDoor: Controller F4BD5D88-9094-4E49-B869-5E7872DD5759 Paired. Controller count: 1
Skipping s# update for Certification requirements.
Re-announcing _hap._tcp mDNS service
Cleaning Pair Setup Context
Cleaning Pair Setup Context

Rebooting the accessory, it says:

Accessory is Paired with atleast one controller
Updated state number to 2
Database initialised. Accessory Device ID: 50:9E:7C:F3:99:42
HAP Initialization succeeded. Version : 4.0-3e6955a
I (322) HAP-GarageDoor: Accessory is paired with 1 controllers

If I try to add the accessory to Home again, it says the "Accessory already in Another Home" which makes no sense because I have no other home!

I have erased flash, rebuilt, and reflashed numerous times, changed the Setup ID and Setup Code, and changed WiFi provisioning but nothing changes.

shahpiyushv commented 8 months ago

Can you please call hap_http_debug_enable() before hap_start() and collect and share logs after that?

AramVartanyan commented 8 months ago

@AMoo-Miki I am not sure what could cause the issue, but I had similar issue in the past. I found that the solution for me was to set:


in menuconfig.


shahpiyushv commented 8 months ago

The fix @AramVartanyan mentioned typically is required if there are float values for the characteristics. You can check my comment here in that context:

AMoo-Miki commented 8 months ago

Thanks for replying.

With hap_http_debug_enable() when adding the accessory after an erase, nothing much was added to the logs:

Socket fd: 51; HTTP Request POST /pair-setup
######## Starting Pair Setup ########
Pair Setup M1 Received
Pair Setup M2 Successful
I (27864) HAP-GarageDoor: Pairing Started
Socket fd: 51; HTTP Request POST /pair-setup
Pair Setup M3 Received
Using pair-setup without MFi.
Pair Setup M4 Successful
Socket fd: 51; HTTP Request POST /pair-setup
Pair Setup M5 Received
Pair Setup Successful for F4BD5D88-9094-4E49-B869-5E7872DD5759
I (35853) HAP-GarageDoor: Controller F4BD5D88-9094-4E49-B869-5E7872DD5759 Paired. Controller count: 1
Skipping s# update for Certification requirements.
Re-announcing _hap._tcp mDNS service
Cleaning Pair Setup Context
Cleaning Pair Setup Context

It still says Unable to Add Accessory and that This accessory cannot be used with HomeKit.

If i try to re-add after rebooting the accessory, just like before:

Keystore initialised
Accessory is Paired with atleast one controller
Updated state number to 2
Database initialised. Accessory Device ID: 26:E9:6B:B6:6A:04
HAP Initialization succeeded. Version : 4.0-3e6955a
I (322) HAP-GarageDoor: Accessory is paired with 1 controllers

... with no additional logs.

My characteristics are HAP_CHAR_UUID_CURRENT_DOOR_STATE and HAP_CHAR_UUID_TARGET_DOOR_STATE which are both int. However, with CONFIG_NEWLIB_NANO_FORMAT=n, I cannot even get the paring to happen:

######## Starting Pair Setup ########
Pair Setup M1 Received
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (LoadStoreError). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x4010034a  PS      : 0x00000033  A0      : 0x3fff4190  A1      : 0x3fff4190
0x4010034a: _heap_caps_malloc at I:/HomeAutomation/.esp/esp8266/rtos-sdk/components/heap/src/esp_heap_caps.c:174

A2      : 0x3fffb018  A3      : 0x3fffb018  A4      : 0x3fffb234  A5      : 0x3fffb234
A6      : 0x402a54cc  A7      : 0x80000000  A8      : 0x00000003  A9      : 0x3ffefa24
A10     : 0x03101f37  A11     : 0x00000002  A12     : 0x00000001  A13     : 0x00000004  
A14     : 0x3fffb020  A15     : 0x00000214  SAR     : 0x00000010  EXCCAUSE: 0x00000003  

Backtrace: 0x4010034a:0x3fff4190 0x40266825:0x3fff41b0 0x4026caac:0x3fff41d0
0x4010034a: _heap_caps_malloc at I:/HomeAutomation/.esp/esp8266/rtos-sdk/components/heap/src/esp_heap_caps.c:174

0x40266825: ieee80211_deliver_data at ??:?

0x4026caac: sta_input at ??:?

I switched to a commit from mid 2022, which is more than likely what I had before syncing. However, that too resulted in the exact same result.

I have a feeling that this is perhaps due to something changing with HomeKit's pairing. Any thoughts?

AMoo-Miki commented 8 months ago

FYI, I flashed this repo's HEAD with ESP-IDF 5.0's HEAD on an ESP32 and it worked fine.

haecksenwerk commented 8 months ago

I'm having the same issue with i. e. the smart_outlet example on an ESP8266. I have hardcoded the wifi credentials and the setup-code. A couple of times I succeeded with pairing manually via the setup code instead of using the QR code. But it is not reproducible and I can barely track down something from the log outputs.

BTW: I'm also interested in building a Garage Door Opener. Would you mind sharing your code?

AMoo-Miki commented 8 months ago

I solved the problem by simply not using USE_HARDCODED_SETUP_CODE.

Just in case anyone else needs this:

  1. Used homekit-sdk\tools\factory_nvs_gen\ <8 digits> <4 letters> factory
  2. Used menuconfig to change the partition to custom and the partition table filename to partitions_hap.csv.
  3. erase_flash for no good reason
  4. esp8266-sdk\components\esptool_py\esptool\ -p <port> write_flash 0x340000 factory.bin
  5. build flash monitor
AMoo-Miki commented 8 months ago

I'm having the same issue with i. e. the smart_outlet example on an ESP8266. I have hardcoded the wifi credentials and the setup-code.

Try hardcoded WiFi creds but NVS driven setup code following my previous comment.

BTW: I'm also interested in building a Garage Door Opener. Would you mind sharing your code?

My actual code is complicated by using one normally open and another normally closed contact sensors but the code is just the outlet example switched to use hap_serv_garage_door_opener_create.