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Associated more than one accessory #118

Closed leotordo closed 7 months ago

leotordo commented 7 months ago

If I've two identical boards may I use the same ID code (payload)?

When I do the association (with same or different ID) I've to power on a single accessory each time or I can supply both?

At the moment when I try to associate two boards both supplied sometimes somethings goes wrong

Thanks Leo

shahpiyushv commented 7 months ago

If there are 2 accessories with the same setup info available for pairing at the same time, then one of the 2 will get chosen arbitrarily. You can either use different values of CONFIG_EXAMPLE_SETUP_ID for the 2 accessories or follow the instructions for HomeKit Setup Configuration to generate unique credentials.

leotordo commented 7 months ago

thanks :-)