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bridge mode does not work with more accessories nodes, #30

Closed MrutyunjayPatel closed 3 years ago

MrutyunjayPatel commented 3 years ago

hi, We were evaluating homekit sdk for bridged mode accessories . using the bridge example with fan devices, extended the example to check if it can accommodate 32,64,128 Devices.

using IDF version 4.2.0


also we added new characteristic of speed to the fan example

        hap_char_t *rotation_speed = hap_char_rotation_speed_create(50.0);
        hap_char_float_set_constraints(rotation_speed, 0, 100, 25.0);
        hap_serv_add_char(service, rotation_speed);
    #ifdef (FAN_WITH_CUSTOM_SPEED10)
        hap_char_t *rotation_speed = hap_char_rotation_speed_create(50.0);
        hap_char_float_set_constraints(rotation_speed, 0, 100, 10.0);
        hap_serv_add_char(service, rotation_speed);

During adding accessories (Bridge) to ipad home app the session gets terminated prematurely.

----------Fails to add 32/64 device in Home-----

httpd_parse: parse_block: request URI/header too long
httpd_txrx: httpd_resp_send_err: 414 URI Too Long - URI is too long for server to interpret
HomeKit Session terminated

Needs to increase the http url length to accommodate more devices ------http 1536 ----Ok--------

# HTTP Server
# end of HTTP Server

we could add in batches of 16 first then add another till Total 128.

But could not set or get the read the status of all 128.

added a bulk on and off in home kit app as Home Away(all off) and Enter Home(all on)

at 128 device count

Allocated buffer of size 11746 for the large PUT
Failed to parse HTTPD JSON Data
Freed allocated buffer for PUT
Decryption error/Connection lost. Marking session as invalid
HomeKit Session terminated

Tried to increase CONFIG_HTTPD_MAX_URI_LEN=4096

Then got bored to add the 128 device again in the homekit app had to click and assign each fan to a room :(

Thanks and Regards

shahpiyushv commented 3 years ago

@MrutyunjayPatel to see the actual http data being sent and received by the HAP core, you may call hap_http_debug_enable() before hap_start(). It will help understand if the HAP core is indeed getting correct from the http server module or not.

It is quite possible that there wasn't enough heap memory to parse the received JSON. Check the APIs here to do some heap analysis at your end. If you indeed require 100+ accessories, I would suggest that you use the ESP32 Wrover module which has external RAM.

Meanwhile, since you are getting issues only while getting/setting all values, and not during pairing, is it really required to remove and add back the bridge, going through the cumbersome process? Moreover, what happens if you just add a single bridge during HomeKit pairing and in the next boot cycle, add all the remaining bridged accessories?

MrutyunjayPatel commented 3 years ago

@shahpiyushv . yes the error was due to http phrasing limitations, As i mentioned, I had error only during adding 128 device in a single go. no issues if adding in batch of 16/32/64. yes the memory does get used up quickly as we go on adding more accessories.

For future reference to to others , Memory usage for BRIDGE MODE with 64 and 128 devices . CONFIG_HTTPD_MAX_REQ_HDR_LEN=512 CONFIG_HTTPD_MAX_URI_LEN=1536 increase this if needed be.

64 fans

I (57587) HAP Bridge: Free Memory Available' is 137128 bytes I (57587) HAP Bridge: MinEver Free Memory Available' is 95436 bytes

128 fans (64+64).

I (25657) HAP Bridge: Free Memory Available' is 59692 bytes I (25657) HAP Bridge: MinEver Free Memory Available' is 42652 bytes

After some bulk operations all-on/all-off I (2451487) HAP Bridge: Free Memory Available' is 59408 bytes I (2451487) HAP Bridge: MinEver Free Memory Available' is 5580 bytes

I don't have ESP32 Wrover module , to further evaluate this.

Thanks and regards, Mrutyunjay

Have a nice day !