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Hardcode WiFi not able to change after first setup #41

Open twlawrenceko opened 3 years ago

twlawrenceko commented 3 years ago


It seems like after the first set of a particular AP name and password, even if I change to a new AP name and password inside make menuconfig it does not connect to the new AP, instead, I am getting a result of app_wifi: Disconnected. Connecting to the AP again...

I have also tried to include WiFi log info under make menuconfig but it does not seem to print those out in the serial monitor.

Is there any reason for this?

P.s. I am using smart outlet and lightbulb example from the SDK.


twlawrenceko commented 3 years ago

It turns out if I copy the examples directory into a new directory and use make menuconfig command, it will not affect the ESP's WiFi bootloader section, why is this and how can I solve this issue?

shahpiyushv commented 3 years ago

@twlawrenceko , do you mean that you see the problem only when you move the example folder somewhere else? Using the default folder structure and examples, I verified that the network indeed changes if I change it via menuconfig. Have you checked if the network name reflects correctly in your sdkconfig file? CONFIG_APP_WIFI_SSID and CONFIG_APP_WIFI_PASSWORD are the relevant options to check.

The second question isn't really clear. Did you copy the entire examples folder or just the smart_outlet/lightbulb folder? Did you adjust the paths in the example Makefile so that it can find the appropriate components?

twlawrenceko commented 2 years ago

@twlawrenceko , do you mean that you see the problem only when you move the example folder somewhere else? Using the default folder structure and examples, I verified that the network indeed changes if I change it via menuconfig. Have you checked if the network name reflects correctly in your sdkconfig file? CONFIG_APP_WIFI_SSID and CONFIG_APP_WIFI_PASSWORD are the relevant options to check.

The second question isn't really clear. Did you copy the entire examples folder or just the smart_outlet/lightbulb folder? Did you adjust the paths in the example Makefile so that it can find the appropriate components?

Hello, for the second question, I mean of creating another directory which is under the same parent as examples folder. Since the new folder that I created projects is at the same level of examples folder, shouldn't any of the below path be changed?

├───esp-homekit-sdk │ ├───examples │ │ smart_outlet │ └───projects │ │ smart_outlet

HOMEKIT_PATH ?= $(abspath $(shell pwd)/../..)
COMMON_COMPONENT_PATH ?= $(abspath $(shell pwd)/../common)

PROJECT_NAME := smart_outlet
EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS += $(HOMEKIT_PATH)/components/homekit

include $(IDF_PATH)/make/

How should I adjust the path accordingly with my directory setup?

Below is the error log:

../main/app_main.c:39:10: fatal error: app_wifi.h: No such file or directory
 #include <app_wifi.h>
compilation terminated.
[1248/1311] Linking C static library esp-idf/wifi_provisioning/libwifi_provisioning.a
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ninja failed with exit code 1

Thank you.