espressif / esp-hosted

Hosted Solution (Linux/MCU) with ESP32 (Wi-Fi + BT + BLE)
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about use esp_hosted_ng #380

Closed lipengvita closed 4 months ago

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

1 I have compile the esp_hosted_ng both esp32_spi.ko and esp32c3 bin file 2 when esp32-spi.ko I change the data read and handshake pin 3 the linux side use T113_i system . esp32c3 is esp32c3-zero 4 connect mosi miso clk nss handshak dataread witch esp32c-zero , first linux boot and insmod esp32_spi.ko I get the message esp32_spi:spi_dev_init: ESP32 peripheral is registered to SPI bus [1],chip select [0], SPI Clock [10] then I boot the esp32c3 , but I can find network inteface in linux system

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

@lipengvita ,

Please share ESP and host side full textual logs, to analyse the issue.

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

host side just one line logs sp32_spi:spi_dev_init: ESP32 peripheral is registered to SPI bus [1],chip select [0], SPI Clock [10] esp side FW_MAIN: Initial set up done
I (10636) main_task: Returned from app_main() I check the code host side need a message from esp side when host side recevie esp side boot event I will bring up interface . I guess it maybe have not recevice the message

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

I set the linux spi bus clock 30M an insmod esp32c3-spi.ko with clockspeed-30 the atach is logic analyzer capacture , pealse give some adive

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

Can you please point me the software (with version ) to use for opening this file?

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

delete the wrong picture

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

i want change the clock speed to 10M, I change the linux host dts spi clock 10 M and change the esp/esp_driver/network_adapter/network_adapter/main/spi_slave_api.c #define SPI_CLK_MHZ 10 Do it ok

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

Do you mean with 10M it is working fine?

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

In 10M clock spi no data So I want to sure the spi clock change is correct. 30M spi master send data ,slave not send data

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

additionnay . My esp32c3 device not connect reset with linux host and powered by pc , after I insmod linux esp32-spi.ko ,I reset the esp32c32 device by touch the esp32c3 reset buttion

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

Do the reset pin is mandatory?

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

I think you should check porting_guide first.

Check your jumper cables lengths, check if they are firm connected, etc.

From your last image, the clock seems not correct. the duty cycle sent from host should be around 50% to use SPI correctly.

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

Do the reset pin is mandatory?

For SPI, yes. But even in SPI, for first transaction it is not mandatory.

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

Can you please share:

  1. dmesg log from bootup
  2. esp log from start
  3. git commit used at ESP and host

Anyway after stepwise following porting guide, you should be able to rule out generally faced issues.

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

I change the linux host dts spi clock 10 M and change the esp/esp_driver/network_adapter/network_adapter/main/spi_slave_api.c #define SPI_CLK_MHZ 10 Is this correct?

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

I change the linux host dts spi clock 10 M and change the esp/esp_driver/network_adapter/network_adapter/main/spi_slave_api.c #define SPI_CLK_MHZ 10 Is this correct?

This is correct, but if your underlying spi is not ported correctly, it may not work. Check the porting guide for the details.

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

If the length of the Dupont wire is greater than 6cm, will the device not return to normal operation?

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

High freq would fail. 10MHz should work with 10cm cables fine.

Please check below points:

  1. Answers for
  2. Check SPI clock stability from host.
  3. GPIOs correctly working
  4. output of ls /dev/spidev*

We will wait for full logs and answers for above questions.

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

@mantriyogesh doese this ' 4 output of ls /dev/spidev ' mean when the esp32_spi.ko is insmod the /dev/spidev can be find?

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

If you have disabled spidev, for that specific instance, it would not show, rest instances would still list up.

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

Do I need add this in code , I see a issue you answer content add this image

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

@mantriyogesh espc32c3 IO2 is download gpio ,user I02 as MISO do it ok?

mantriyogesh commented 4 months ago

Please send above logs first. Without textual logs, it would be incorrect to suggest something.

lipengvita commented 4 months ago

@mantriyogesh esp log I (259) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=000c77d4 vaddr=4038ccI (446) FW_MAIN: - WLAN over SPI I (456) FW_BT: - BT/BLE I (456) FW_BT: - HCI Over SPI I (456) FW_BT: - BLE only I (466) FW_MAIN: Capabilities: 0xe8 pp rom version: 9387209 net80211 rom version: 9387209 I (486) wifi:wifi driver task: 3fca15c0, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0 I (486) wifi:wifi firmware version: fddc5e5 I (486) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0 I (486) wifi:config NVS flash: disabled I (486) wifi:config nano formating: disabled I (496) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32 I (496) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32 I (506) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32 I (506) wifi:Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32 I (516) wifi:Init static tx FG buffer num: 2 I (516) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600 I (516) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 10 I (526) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32 I (526) wifi_init: rx ba win: 6 I (536) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32 I (536) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6 I (536) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6 I (546) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744 I (546) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744 I (556) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440 I (556) wifi_init: WiFi IRAM OP enabled I (556) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled I (566) BLE_INIT: BT controller compile version [963cad4] I (566) phy_init: phy_version 970,1856f88,May 10 2023,17:44:12 I (616) BLE_INIT: Bluetooth MAC: f4:12:fa:39:c4:06

I (616) FW_MAIN: ESP Bluetooth MAC addr: f4-12-fa-39-c4- 6

I (616) FW_SPI: Using SPI interface I (616) gpio: GPIO[3]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 I (626) gpio: GPIO[4]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 I (30636) FW_SPI: Initial QueueSend 254 E (30636) FW_SPI: queue new transaction linux host log [ 1952.174756] spi data ready interrupt handler this I add in esp32_spi.ko