espressif / esp-hosted

Hosted Solution (Linux/MCU) with ESP32 (Wi-Fi + BT + BLE)
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ESP-HOSTED FG packet classification problem #454

Open dreamcmi opened 1 month ago

dreamcmi commented 1 month ago

I am studying the communication process of FG mode, and now I am wondering how the host distinguishes control packets or 802.3 packets. I noticed that there is a double tlv packet of endpoint+data, but I don't know how it works specifically. So my question is when the MCU acts as the host in FG mode, how does the MCU determine whether the received data packet is a network data packet or a control command packet? Thank you.

mantriyogesh commented 1 month ago

Hello @dreamcmi ,

The network packet is never serialised. Only control packet is serialised. Control packet uses ESP_SERIAL_IF interface in header. So basically after serialization, the receiver knows if it needs to de-serialise or not using this interface type.

Here is very much deftailed explanation of control path:


mantriyogesh commented 1 month ago

Please feel free to ping if something is not clear or not covered in this documentation.

dreamcmi commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your reply. I understand a little bit now. Let me briefly describe it.

  1. In the master-slave direct interaction data packets of esp-hosted FG, there is a fixed header esp_payload_header. Every time a data packet is received, the correctness of this header must be determined first.
  2. When the header is correct, then determine the if_type type. If it is ESP_SERIAL_IF, it means that this is a control data packet. If it is ESP_STA_IF or ESP_AP_IF, it means that this is an 802.3 frame from sta or ap mode.
  3. After determining the packet type, if it is a control packet, enter the deserialization function for parsing. If it is a network packet (802.3), enter the network protocol stack for processing.
  4. When the host (such as stm32) wants to send a packet to the slave (such as esp32c3), if it wants to send a control packet, it will be serialized first, and then a header of theESP_SERIAL_IF type will be added. If it wants to send an 802.3 network packet, it will be added with a header of ESP_STA_IF or ESP_AP_IF, and then sent it via SPI or SDIO. The above is my understanding, and the following are the questions.
  5. Is there anything wrong with my explanation above?
  6. I think ESP_HCI_IF should indicate a BLE data packet? What type of packet does ESP_PRIV_IF represent? Snipaste_2024-08-12_19-44-04
mantriyogesh commented 1 month ago

Hello @dreamcmi ,

1. Your understanding is absolutely correct. ESP_HCI_IF is bluetooth packet.

ESP_PRIV_IF is packet that is private packet in between slave and host. However, if you wish to send something small, you can use TLV format in ESP_PRIV_IF.

As ESP_PRIV_IF is generally for some capabilities exchange, we use single byte denoting specific capability or configuration. If you need more than a byte, you might need to serialise (endian-ness)

ESP_PROV_IF is discouraged for large control packets, for the same reason.

  1. In your block diagram, right side, there is typo, want to send a network packet

  2. If you are interested in MCU based host, you can refer to Where you can connect two ESP chipsets and evaluate the solution. And later can adapt to your host using port layer added.

mantriyogesh commented 1 month ago

Branch in (3) above is much advanced, with a lot of optimizations, bug fixes and lwip network stackand NimBLE bluetooth stack integrated.

Master branch is maintained and developed for Linux only.

Edit: correct spelling of nimble

dreamcmi commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your explanation, it helped me a lot.

mantriyogesh commented 1 month ago

Please find updated comment: