espressif / esp-idf-ci-action

GitHub Action for ESP32 CI
MIT License
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Cannot access build output from GitHub host runner #17

Closed lazarofrancoe closed 2 years ago

lazarofrancoe commented 2 years ago

Hi, I couldn't find a way to access the output file of my build from the GitHub host runner, as I need to upload it to AWS S3.

Should I mount a Docker volume (shared between the Esp Idf Docker image and the GitHub host runner) and run the Docker image manually without using this GitHub action at all?

My yml file is:

name: production

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      id-token: write
      contents: read

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Configure AWS Credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
          role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/GitHubActionsRole
          aws-region: us-east-1

      - name: esp-idf build
        uses: espressif/esp-idf-ci-action@main
          esp_idf_version: v4.4
          command: build
          target: esp32

      - name: Push to AWS S3
        run: aws s3api put-object --bucket electronica-builds-production --key folder/output-file.bin --body /app/build/output-file.bin

Obviously, the aws command won't work because the /app/build/output-file.bin file refers to the Docker image directory.

Thanks in advance!

kumekay commented 2 years ago

Hi @lazarofrancoe

Try ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/build/output-file.bin

The whole workspace is just mounted to /app inside the container, so further steps can reach it like under ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}, including the build directory.

lazarofrancoe commented 2 years ago

Thanks Sergei, I could see the command that the action executes: docker run -t -e IDF_TARGET="${IDF_TARGET}" -v "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}:/app" -w "/app/" espressif/idf:v4.4 build but I couldn't find the exact path to the shared folder.

Thanks for your support!