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ESP32-S3 ADC continuous mode error (IDFGH-12711) #13697

Open simardeep272 opened 2 weeks ago

simardeep272 commented 2 weeks ago

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Hi, hope you are doing well,

I was exploring the use of ADC continuous mode for my ESP32-S3devkit-C1 with PiezoElectric sensors. I am facing memory issues while reading the sensor value using adc_continuous_read() function.

These are the output logs for the same: I (59502) PiezoSensor: ADC Value: 0, Vibration Intensity: 0.00 I (59512) PiezoSensor: ADC Value: 37, Vibration Intensity: 0.00 I (59512) PiezoSensor: ADC Value: 0, Vibration Intensity: 0

Backtrace: 0x00000028:0x3fcd4df0 0x42002e5d:0x3fcd4e20 0x40375cfd:0x3fcd4e70 0x40377470:0x3fcd4e90 0x40375c8a:0x0000002b |<-CORRUPTED 0x42002e5d: panic_handler at /home/neuriot/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/panic_handler.c:190 0x40375cfd: xt_unhandled_exception at /home/neuriot/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/panic_handler.c:225 0x40377470: _xt_handle_exc at /home/neuriot/esp/esp-idf/components/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:805 0x40375c8a: panic_abort at /home/neuriot/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/panic.c:472

I have tried tinkering with the main task size in menuconfig, but the issue still persists.