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关于蓝牙广播与蓝牙mesh 广播共存问题。 (IDFGH-12725) #13708

Closed sonwa closed 1 week ago

sonwa commented 2 weeks ago

Answers checklist.

General issue report

使用SDK v5.2.1-443-g2ba5320112-dirty 使用esp_ble_mesh_start_ble_advertising把相关设置好发送,但另一蓝牙节点没有收到蓝牙广播?请问是什么问题?

forx157 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @sonwa, I need some more information in order to help you debug this. Please enable log level to info level and share the log with me so that I can analyse the issue.

sonwa commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @forx157 , I've already configured "Support sending normal BLE advertising packets" in menuconfig and I'm using esp_ble_mesh_start_ble_advertising to send the following content:

esp_ble_mesh_ble_adv_param_t adv_param = { .interval = 0x0020, .adv_type = BLE_MESH_ADV_IND, .own_addr_type = 0, .peer_addr_type = 0, .peer_addr = {0xFFFFFFFFFFFF}, .duration = 560, .period = 38, .count = 5, .priority = ESP_BLE_MESH_BLE_ADV_PRIO_HIGH };

esp_ble_mesh_ble_adv_data_t adv_data = {0};
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;

adv_data.scan_rsp_data_len = param->scan_ble_adv_pkt.length;
memcpy(&adv_data.scan_rsp_data, param->, param->scan_ble_adv_pkt.length);

for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    adv_data.adv_data[i] = 0x10;

adv_data.adv_data_len = 25;

err = esp_ble_mesh_start_ble_advertising(&adv_param, &adv_data);

if (err) {
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!Send esp_ble_mesh_start_ble_advertising failed");
    //flag = 0;

The transmission appears successful without any error messages, but the other Bluetooth node isn't receiving the ADV broadcast packet.

forx157 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @sonwa, Would it be convenient to share your log?

sonwa commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @forx157 , log:

--- esp-idf-monitor 1.4.0 on /dev/cu.wchusbserial578E0173861 115200 --- --- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H --- ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 Build:Mar 27 2021 rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3810,len:0x239c load:0x403c9700,len:0x4 load:0x403c9704,len:0xe50 load:0x403cc700,len:0x3270 entry 0x403c995c I (27) boot: ESP-IDF v5.2.1-443-g2ba5320112-dirty 2nd stage bootloader I (27) boot: compile time Apr 29 2024 13:45:57 I (28) boot: Multicore bootloader D (32) bootloader_flash: non-XMC chip detected by SFDP Read (85), skip. D (38) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00000000 (was 0xffffffff) I (45) boot: chip revision: v0.2 D (49) boot.esp32s3: magic e9 D (52) boot.esp32s3: segments 04 D (55) boot.esp32s3: spi_mode 02 D (59) boot.esp32s3: spi_speed 0f D (62) boot.esp32s3: spi_size 01 I (65) boot.esp32s3: Boot SPI Speed : 80MHz I (70) boot.esp32s3: SPI Mode : DIO I (75) boot.esp32s3: SPI Flash Size : 2MB D (80) boot: Enabling RTCWDT(9000 ms) I (83) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source... D (89) bootloader_flash: rodata starts from paddr=0x00008000, size=0xc00, will be mapped to vaddr=0x3c000000 V (99) bootloader_flash: after mapping, starting from paddr=0x00000000 and vaddr=0x3c000000, 0x10000 bytes are mapped D (109) boot: mapped partition table 0x8000 at 0x3c008000 D (115) flash_parts: partition table verified, 4 entries I (120) boot: Partition Table: I (124) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length D (131) boot: load partition table entry 0x3c008000 D (136) boot: type=1 subtype=2 I (139) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000 D (147) boot: load partition table entry 0x3c008020 D (152) boot: type=1 subtype=1 I (155) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000 D (163) boot: load partition table entry 0x3c008040 D (168) boot: type=0 subtype=0 I (171) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 00177000 I (178) boot: End of partition table D (182) boot: Trying partition index -1 offs 0x10000 size 0x177000 D (189) esp_image: reading image header @ 0x10000 D (193) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00010000 (was 0xffffffff) D (200) esp_image: image header: 0xe9 0x05 0x02 0x01 40375408 V (206) esp_image: loading segment header 0 at offset 0x10018 V (212) esp_image: segment data length 0x4c618 data starts 0x10020 V (218) esp_image: segment 0 map_segment 1 segment_data_offs 0x10020 load_addr 0x3c0d0020 I (226) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c0d0020 size=4c618h (312856) map D (235) esp_image: free data page_count 0x00000200 D (240) bootloader_flash: rodata starts from paddr=0x00010020, size=0x4c618, will be mapped to vaddr=0x3c000000 V (250) bootloader_flash: after mapping, starting from paddr=0x00010000 and vaddr=0x3c000000, 0x50000 bytes are mapped V (317) esp_image: loading segment header 1 at offset 0x5c638 D (317) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00050000 (was 0xffffffff) V (318) esp_image: segment data length 0x39d8 data starts 0x5c640 V (324) esp_image: segment 1 map_segment 0 segment_data_offs 0x5c640 load_addr 0x3fc98000 I (333) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0005c640 vaddr=3fc98000 size=039d8h ( 14808) load D (341) esp_image: free data page_count 0x00000200 D (346) bootloader_flash: rodata starts from paddr=0x0005c640, size=0x39d8, will be mapped to vaddr=0x3c000000 V (356) bootloader_flash: after mapping, starting from paddr=0x00050000 and vaddr=0x3c000000, 0x20000 bytes are mapped V (370) esp_image: loading segment header 2 at offset 0x60018 D (373) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00060000 (was 0xffffffff) V (380) esp_image: segment data length 0xccb70 data starts 0x60020 V (386) esp_image: segment 2 map_segment 1 segment_data_offs 0x60020 load_addr 0x42000020 0x42000020: _stext at ??:?

I (394) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=00060020 vaddr=42000020 size=ccb70h (838512) map D (402) esp_image: free data page_count 0x00000200 D (407) bootloader_flash: rodata starts from paddr=0x00060020, size=0xccb70, will be mapped to vaddr=0x3c000000 V (418) bootloader_flash: after mapping, starting from paddr=0x00060000 and vaddr=0x3c000000, 0xd0000 bytes are mapped V (579) esp_image: loading segment header 3 at offset 0x12cb90 D (579) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00120000 (was 0xffffffff) V (580) esp_image: segment data length 0x1318 data starts 0x12cb98 V (586) esp_image: segment 3 map_segment 0 segment_data_offs 0x12cb98 load_addr 0x3fc9b9d8 I (595) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0012cb98 vaddr=3fc9b9d8 size=01318h ( 4888) load D (603) esp_image: free data page_count 0x00000200 D (608) bootloader_flash: rodata starts from paddr=0x0012cb98, size=0x1318, will be mapped to vaddr=0x3c000000 V (618) bootloader_flash: after mapping, starting from paddr=0x00120000 and vaddr=0x3c000000, 0x10000 bytes are mapped V (630) esp_image: loading segment header 4 at offset 0x12deb0 D (635) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00120000 (was 0xffffffff) V (642) esp_image: segment data length 0x13ef4 data starts 0x12deb8 V (648) esp_image: segment 4 map_segment 0 segment_data_offs 0x12deb8 load_addr 0x40374000 0x40374000: _WindowOverflow4 at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:2027

I (656) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0012deb8 vaddr=40374000 size=13ef4h ( 81652) load D (665) esp_image: free data page_count 0x00000200 D (670) bootloader_flash: rodata starts from paddr=0x0012deb8, size=0x13ef4, will be mapped to vaddr=0x3c000000 V (680) bootloader_flash: after mapping, starting from paddr=0x00120000 and vaddr=0x3c000000, 0x30000 bytes are mapped V (709) esp_image: image start 0x00010000 end of last section 0x00141dac D (709) bootloader_flash: mmu set block paddr=0x00140000 (was 0xffffffff) D (712) boot: Calculated hash: d0462b542023577502a34dc581343763280ab88979ff1f7b2ac6b5e017b47b2d I (729) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000 I (729) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source... D (732) boot: Mapping segment 0 as DROM D (736) boot: Mapping segment 2 as IROM D (740) boot: calling set_cache_and_start_app D (744) boot: configure drom and irom and start V (749) boot: rodata starts from paddr=0x00010020, vaddr=0x3c0d0020, size=0x4c618 V (756) boot: after mapping rodata, starting from paddr=0x00010000 and vaddr=0x3c0d0000, 0x50000 bytes are mapped V (767) boot: text starts from paddr=0x00060020, vaddr=0x42000020, size=0xccb70 0x42000020: _stext at ??:?

V (774) boot: after mapping text, starting from paddr=0x00060000 and vaddr=0x42000000, 0xd0000 bytes are mapped D (784) boot: start: 0x40375408 0x40375408: call_start_cpu0 at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:356

I (799) cpu_start: Multicore app V (799) mmap: after coalescing, 1 regions are left D (799) cpu_start: Pro cpu up D (799) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x403752e0 0x403752e0: call_start_cpu1 at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:183

D (0) cpu_start: App cpu up V CACHE_ERR: illegal error intr clr & ena mask is: 0x3f 4374003_ERR: core 1Dacces5s erk:or intr clr & enli mask is: 0xe: V CACHE_ERR: illegal error intr clr & ena mask is: 0x3f V CACHE_ERR: core 0 access error intr clr & ena mask is: 0x1f I (832) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code I (835) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000 Hz I (840) cpu_start: Application information: I (845) cpu_start: Project name: onoff_server I (850) cpu_start: App version: v5.2.1-443-g2ba5320112-dirty I (857) cpu_start: Compile time: Apr 29 2024 13:46:02 I (863) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: 9f7fee2aa... I (868) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v5.2.1-443-g2ba5320112-dirty I (875) cpu_start: Min chip rev: v0.0 I (880) cpu_start: Max chip rev: v0.99 I (885) cpu_start: Chip rev: v0.2 V (889) memory_layout: reserved range is 0x3c11c5f8 - 0x3c11c620 D (895) memory_layout: Checking 6 reserved memory ranges: D (901) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3fc84000 - 0x3fc98000 D (907) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3fc98000 - 0x3fcb0168 D (914) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x3fceee34 - 0x3fcf0000 D (920) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x40374000 - 0x40388000 0x40374000: _WindowOverflow4 at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:2027

D (926) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x600fe000 - 0x600fe010 D (933) memory_layout: Reserved memory range 0x600fffe8 - 0x60100000 D (939) memory_layout: Building list of available memory regions: V (945) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fc88000 - 0x3fc90000 V (952) memory_layout: Region 0x3fc88000 - 0x3fc90000 inside of reserved 0x3fc84000 - 0x3fc98000 V (961) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fc90000 - 0x3fca0000 V (968) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3fc90000 - 0x3fca0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fc84000 - 0x3fc98000 V (977) memory_layout: Region 0x3fc98000 - 0x3fca0000 inside of reserved 0x3fc98000 - 0x3fcb0168 V (986) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fca0000 - 0x3fcb0000 V (993) memory_layout: Region 0x3fca0000 - 0x3fcb0000 inside of reserved 0x3fc98000 - 0x3fcb0168 V (1001) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcb0000 - 0x3fcc0000 V (1008) memory_layout: Start of region 0x3fcb0000 - 0x3fcc0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fc98000 - 0x3fcb0168 D (1018) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcb0168 - 0x3fcc0000 V (1024) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcc0000 - 0x3fcd0000 D (1031) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcc0000 - 0x3fcd0000 V (1038) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcd0000 - 0x3fce0000 D (1044) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcd0000 - 0x3fce0000 V (1051) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fce0000 - 0x3fce9710 D (1058) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fce0000 - 0x3fce9710 V (1064) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fcf0000 V (1071) memory_layout: End of region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fcf0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fceee34 - 0x3fcf0000 D (1081) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fceee34 V (1087) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcf0000 - 0x3fcf8000 D (1094) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcf0000 - 0x3fcf8000 V (1101) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x600fe000 - 0x60100000 V (1107) memory_layout: Start of region 0x600fe000 - 0x60100000 overlaps reserved 0x600fe000 - 0x600fe010 V (1117) memory_layout: End of region 0x600fe010 - 0x60100000 overlaps reserved 0x600fffe8 - 0x60100000 D (1126) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x600fe010 - 0x600fffe8 I (1133) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation: D (1141) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fcb0168 I (1146) heap_init: At 3FCB0168 len 000395A8 (229 KiB): RAM I (1152) heap_init: At 3FCE9710 len 00005724 (21 KiB): RAM D (1158) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fcf0000 I (1163) heap_init: At 3FCF0000 len 00008000 (32 KiB): DRAM D (1170) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x600fe010 I (1175) heap_init: At 600FE010 len 00001FD8 (7 KiB): RTCRAM V (1181) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args V (1188) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E D (1196) intr_alloc: Connected src 39 to int 2 (cpu 0) V (1202) memspi: raw_chip_id: 182085

V (1205) memspi: chip_id: 852018

V (1208) memspi: raw_chip_id: 182085

V (1212) memspi: chip_id: 852018

D (1215) spi_flash: trying chip: issi D (1219) spi_flash: trying chip: gd D (1223) spi_flash: trying chip: mxic D (1227) spi_flash: trying chip: winbond D (1231) spi_flash: trying chip: boya D (1234) spi_flash: trying chip: th D (1238) spi_flash: trying chip: mxic (opi) D (1242) spi_flash: trying chip: generic I (1246) spi_flash: detected chip: generic I (1251) spi_flash: flash io: dio W (1255) spi_flash: Detected size(16384k) larger than the size in the binary image header(2048k). Using the size in the binary image header. D (1268) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4208f624 0x4208f624: _GLOBALsub_IZN9gnu_cxx9freeresEv at /Users/brnomac003/.gitlab-runner/builds/qR2TxTby/0/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/xtensa-esp-elf/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/

D (1273) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4208f0d4 0x4208f0d4: _GLOBAL__sub_IZN17eh_globals_init7_S_initE at /Users/brnomac003/.gitlab-runner/builds/qR2TxTby/0/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/xtensa-esp-elf/src/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/

D (1279) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42087a04 0x42087a04: esp_ipc_init at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/esp_ipc.c:114

D (1284) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4037f11c 0x4037f11c: enable_timer_group0_for_calibration at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_hw_support/port/esp32s3/rtc_time.c:199

D (1289) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42003b04 0x42003b04: esp_app_format_init_elf_sha256 at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_app_format/esp_app_desc.c:68

D (1294) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x420093d0 on core: 0 0x420093d0: __esp_system_init_fn_esp_timer_startup_init at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_timer/src/esp_timer.c:578

V (1300) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args V (1306) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xC02 D (1315) intr_alloc: Connected src 59 to int 3 (cpu 0) D (1320) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42006d34 on core: 0 0x42006d34: __esp_system_init_fn_esp_sleep_startup_init at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_hw_support/sleep_gpio.c:189

I (1326) sleep: Configure to isolate all GPIO pins in sleep state I (1333) sleep: Enable automatic switching of GPIO sleep configuration D (1340) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42004e70 on core: 0 0x42004e70: __esp_system_init_fn_init_components0 at /Users/ss/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/startup.c:493

I (1346) coexist: coex firmware version: d96c1e51f I (1352) coexist: coexist rom version e7ae62f V (1357) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args V (1363) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E D (1371) intr_alloc: Connected src 79 to int 9 (cpu 0) D (1376) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU0 V (1381) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args V (1381) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x402 D (1381) intr_alloc: Connected src 57 to int 12 (cpu 0) V (1381) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): checking args V (1391) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E D (1391) intr_alloc: Connected src 80 to int 2 (cpu 1) D (1401) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU1 V (1401) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): checking args V (1411) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x402 D (1421) intr_alloc: Connected src 58 to int 3 (cpu 1) I (1381) main_task: Started on CPU0 D (1431) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fce9710 V (1431) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args V (1441) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE D (1451) intr_alloc: Connected src 52 to int 13 (cpu 0) I (1451) main_task: Calling app_main() I (1461) EXAMPLE: Initializing... I (1461) gpio: GPIO[47]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 I (1471) gpio: GPIO[47]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 I (1481) gpio: GPIO[47]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 use esp timer !!! E (1491) esp_timer: Task is already initialized V (1501) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args V (1501) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE D (1511) intr_alloc: Connected src 16 to int 17 (cpu 0) I (1521) gpio: GPIO[0]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:3 V (1531) partition: Loading the partition table V (1531) mmap: actual_mapped_len is 0x10000 V (1541) calculated md5: 0x3fcb3ab8 04 23 59 8f e5 28 7e 67 62 f9 55 ef c9 f5 f3 82 |.#Y..(~gb.U.....| V (1541) stored md5: 0x3c128070 04 23 59 8f e5 28 7e 67 62 f9 55 ef c9 f5 f3 82 |.#Y..(~gb.U.....| V (1551) partition: Partition table MD5 verified I (1591) BLE_INIT: BT controller compile version [c23ab4c] D (1591) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit D (1591) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit D (1601) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit D (1611) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit D (1611) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit D (1621) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit I (1631) BLE_INIT: Bluetooth MAC: dc:da:0c:20:8e:86 I (1641) phy_init: phy_version 660,1478a09,Mar 28 2024,16:58:13 D (1641) phy_init: loading PHY init data from application binary D (1651) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition phy 0 D (1651) nvs: nvs_get cal_version 4 V (1661) phy_init: phy_get_rf_cal_version: 660 D (1661) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob cal_mac D (1661) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit D (1671) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit D (1681) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit D (1681) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit D (1691) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit D (1701) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit D (1711) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob cal_data D (1721) nvs: nvs_close 1 D (1721) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit D (1721) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit D (1731) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit D (1731) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit D (1741) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit D (1751) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit D (1771) temperature_sensor: range changed, change to index 2 D (1791) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition bt_config.conf 1 D (1791) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob bt_cfg_key0 D (1791) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob bt_cfg_key0 D (1801) nvs: nvs_close 2 D (1801) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition bt_config.conf 1 D (1801) nvs: nvs_set_blob bt_cfg_key0 216 D (1811) nvs: nvs_close 3 Bluetooth Mesh v1.1 commit: [10f7fdc1a9] D (1891) nvs: nvs_open_from_partition mesh_core 1 D (1901) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/role D (1901) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/net D (1901) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/dkca D (1901) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/iv D (1911) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/seq D (1911) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/rpl D (1911) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/netkey D (1921) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/netkey D (1921) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/nk/0001 D (1931) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/appkey D (1931) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/hb_pub D (1941) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/cfg D (1941) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (1941) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (1951) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0002/b D (1951) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0002/s D (1961) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0001/b D (1961) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0001/s D (1971) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0001/p D (1971) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0003/b D (1981) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0003/s D (1981) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0003/p D (1991) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0004/b D (1991) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0004/s D (2001) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0004/p D (2001) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0100/b D (2001) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0100/s D (2011) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0100/p D (2011) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0200/b D (2021) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0200/s D (2021) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/s/0200/p D (2031) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/vnd D (2031) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/vnd D (2041) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/v/0000/b D (2041) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/v/0000/s D (2051) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/vaddr W (2051) BLE_MESH: bt_mesh_proxy_server_prov_disable, Already I (2071) EXAMPLE: ESP_BLE_MESH_NODE_PROV_COMPLETE_EVT I (2071) EXAMPLE: net_idx: 0x0001, addr: 0x0120 I (2071) EXAMPLE: flags: 0x00, iv_index: 0x00000000 W (2071) BOARD: led red is already off I (2081) EXAMPLE: ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_REGISTER_COMP_EVT, err_code 0 W (2081) BLE_MESH: bt_mesh_prov_enable, Already I (2091) EXAMPLE: ESP_BLE_MESH_NODE_PROV_ENABLE_COMP_EVT, err_code -120 I (2101) EXAMPLE: BLE Mesh Node initialized E (2101) BLE_MESH: Already enter network! E (2111) BLE_MESH: bt_mesh_provision() failed (err -120) E (2111) EXAMPLE: NODE:EnNetwork,FAIL,-120 I (2121) EXAMPLE: BLE Mesh Node initialized W (2121) BLE_MESH: NetKey 0x0001 already exists D (2131) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/ak/0000 35 D (2131) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/appkey D (2141) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/appkey 2 D (2141) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/s/0002/b 6 D (2151) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2151) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2151) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/s/0001/b 6 I (2161) EXAMPLE: Mesh address: 0x0120 I (2161) main_task: Returned from app_main() D (2171) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2171) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2181) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/s/0003/b 6 D (2181) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2181) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2191) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/s/0004/b 6 D (2201) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2201) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2201) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/s/0100/b 6 D (2201) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2211) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2211) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/s/0200/b 6 D (2231) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2231) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/sig D (2231) nvs: nvs_set_blob mesh/v/0000/b 6 D (2231) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/vnd D (2231) nvs: nvs_get_str_or_blob mesh/vnd I (3971) EXAMPLE: example_ble_mesh_callback:4, 19 ######################################################################## 02 01 05 15 03 1e ff 01 0a db a8 6f 32 b1 8d 00 6d 7f e1 59 10 c3 7d f6 2d ######################################################################## I (9661) EXAMPLE: example_ble_mesh_callback:4, 19 ######################################################################## 02 01 05 15 03 1e ff 01 0b de d0 f8 8c d0 2d 7d da df c4 0f 3e 43 94 30 7c ######################################################################## I (19371) EXAMPLE: example_ble_mesh_callback:4, 19 ######################################################################## 02 01 05 15 03 1e ff 01 0c 54 82 fc 19 62 4d fb a6 6e 36 16 31 e8 a7 a5 bb ########################################################################

sonwa commented 2 weeks ago

######################################################################## xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx ########################################################################

These data are ADV broadcast packets for receiving from a remote controller, and reception is normal. However, other nodes can't receive the ADV broadcast packets when sent.

forx157 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @sonwa I tested with your code and the branch you are using and found that the packet is sent out normally. image

sonwa commented 1 week ago

Hi, @forx157 Yes, I finally managed to get it to work after trying for a few days. However, I have another question: Do I need to call "esp_ble_mesh_stop_ble_advertising" to stop broadcasting every time after sending the broadcast?

forx157 commented 1 week ago

No need, it will automatically pause when the time and count of packets you set is over, unless you set the count to 0xFFFF.

sonwa commented 1 week ago

I see, thank you.