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fix(sdmmc): correct miscalculated sector size (IDFGH-12789) #13767

Closed huming2207 closed 2 weeks ago

huming2207 commented 2 weeks ago

Previous implementation will restrict the SD card sector size to be no more than 512 bytes. However 512 bytes is the minimum size for some old generic SD cards, and some new ones may come with 1024 or 4096 bytes per sector. We need to support those as well.

This (partially) fixes:

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igrr commented 2 weeks ago

@huming2207 thanks for the PR! The fix looks correct to me, we'll merge it soon.

However 512 bytes is the minimum size for some old generic SD cards, and some new ones may come with 1024 or 4096 bytes per sector.

Could you please mention the source for this statement? It doesn't seem to match SD specification. In SD v1 standard, the card provided read_bl_len and write_bl_len fields in the CSD register. These indicated maximum supported read and write block sizes, respectively. The actual block size would default to 512 bytes and could be set using CMD16, up to the limit specified in the CSD.

In SD v2 standard, these fields in CSD are no longer variable. E.g.,

READ_BL_LEN This field is fixed to 9h, which indicates READ_BL_LEN=512 Byte.

The description of CMD16 says the same:

SET_BLOCKLEN In case of SDSC Card, block length is set by this command. In case of SDHC and SDXC Cards, block length of the memory access commands are fixed to 512 bytes.

huming2207 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @igrr

Could you please mention the source for this statement? It doesn't seem to match SD specification.

Sorry that was straight out from my memory, I've double checked and I think I have misunderstood the standard and I thought all SD card sector size are fixed to whatever it was provided in the READ_BL_LEN in CSD. I should have read the spec first! 😅

Meanwhile indeed on some SD cards, the READ_BL_LEN can be 9 or 10 which means 1<<9 or 1<<10 and it means 512 or 1024 bytes for the maximum read block size. For example this 8Gbit SD NAND chip's READ_BL_LEN is 1024 bytes:


Based on the spec, I guess the original implemetation (which fixed to 512) should still works, but it may affect the I/O performance?

Regards, JAckson

igrr commented 2 weeks ago

Based on the spec, I guess the original implemetation (which fixed to 512) should still works, but it may affect the I/O performance?

I think I have this chip somewhere, I'll give it a try. I guess only the total size of the transfer should matter for performance, not the the block size.

The current implementation effectively always sets card->sector_size to 512, regardless of read_blk_len.

So we are not using the possibility to increase the read/write block lengths, always setting the effective block length to 512:

Basically, the existing code should work even on cards with read_bl_len > 9. But anyway, your fix is logically correct, so we'll change this, even though this is effectively dead code...

igrr commented 2 weeks ago

@huming2207 Somewhat unrelated, I find that XTSD01GLGEAG is marked as "discontinued" at LCSC. And XTX website mentions a different variant, XTSDG01GWSIGA, but it's not in stock.

huming2207 commented 2 weeks ago

The current implementation effectively always sets card->sector_size to 512, regardless of read_blk_len.

Ah... this will definitely cause some undefined behaviours on one of our products, so it needs to be fixed. For that product we need to deal with some real-time data. We can't use any filesystems because they are often too slow, so we wrote our own block-level storage instead. We do rely on the sector_size to cache the data. But so far we are using 512-byte sector SD NAND chips only, like CSNP1GCR01-AOW, so we are still safe for now.


Somewhat unrelated, I find that XTSD01GLGEAG is marked as "discontinued" at LCSC. And XTX website mentions a different variant, XTSDG01GWSIGA, but it's not in stock.

We haven't reached out to XTX for now, and we never tested their chips in a larger scale. We only have a few demo devices with their 1Gbit chip assembled but it seems working anyway. But I can't remember the part number and I'm not sure which one it is...😅

We planned to use Create Storage World's chip for production later. The CSW's chip seems to always report 512 bytes on their read/write_bl_len no matter what capacity it is.

igrr commented 2 weeks ago

this will definitely cause some undefined behaviours on one of our products, so it needs to be fixed. For that product we need to deal with some real-time data. We can't use any filesystems because they are often too slow, so we wrote our own block-level storage instead. We do rely on the sector_size to cache the data.

Sorry, could you explain why this will cause undefined behavior? To be clear, it is totally supported by SD standard to set the read/write block length to 512 bytes for SDSC cards, regardless of the maxium supported read_blk_len/write_blk_len. SDSC cards allow for the read/write block length to be larger than 512 bytes, but the host can still set the actual block length to 512. Linux and Zephyr SDMMC stacks do the same thing. Neither of them even issue MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN command in the standard card initialization flow, as far as I can see.

If you use card->sector_size value, then everything should work correctly, as that's the same value that SDMMC driver will use when sending data transfer commands.

huming2207 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, could you explain why this will cause undefined behavior?

Hmm nevermind, sorry I double checked our code against the SD spec and I think I might have misunderstood the spec again... It actually doesn't matter at all even with a "wrongly" reported sector_size. 😅

igrr commented 2 weeks ago

@huming2207 I found that I don't actually have any SDSC card which right now which I can use to verify this change. Given that we have concluded that your application should work fine even with 512 byte sector_size value, I'll close the PR. If I get my hands on an SDSC card with read_bl_len > 9, I'll revisit this and get it merged.

Thanks again for taking your time on this PR.

igrr commented 1 week ago

I got one of those SD NAND chips with csd_ver=1 (i.e. SDSC) and read_bl_len=10. On a quick look, the tests seem to pass, but I've reopened the internal issue to verify that everything works correctly.