espressif / esp-iot-bridge

A smart bridge to make both ESP and the other MCU or smart device can access the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
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[Tracking issue] USB to ethernet bridge for mesh-lite network (AEGHB-85) #37

Closed redfast00 closed 1 year ago

redfast00 commented 1 year ago

Currently, there is code for bridging esp-mesh-lite over wifi, so that other (non-espressif) devices can connect to one of the AP's provided by the meshed ESP32 devices, and they'll have internet as well. There's also an option to do this for USB as well (using the TinyUSB stack), so that the device the ESP32 is plugged into can access the network as well.

Unfortunately, the latter is behind the CONFIG_GATEWAY_DATA_FORWARDING_NETIF_USB option in the menuconfig, which is marked as Use USB interface to provide network data forwarding for other devices (Please contact to apply for it). The source code for it is in a priv_src folder, which isn't public.

I've contacted sales to apply for this feature, but got a negative answer and was suggested to wait for the public version of this feature in the future. At the moment, no time estimate for when this will be completed was provided.

Would it be possible to implement this feature ourselves?

xcguang commented 1 year ago

Hello, we will open these code soon

BraweProg commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm working on a ethernet-to-wifi-bridge and would highly appreciate to get priv_src/bridge_eth.c

Best Regards

redfast00 commented 1 year ago


Epic! Thank you so much :)

xcguang commented 1 year ago

Hello all, The code is opend at, I first close this issue, if there is any other question, please create a new one, thanks.