espressif / esp-iot-bridge

A smart bridge to make both ESP and the other MCU or smart device can access the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
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Ethernet and WiFi on same subnet (AEGHB-151) #44

Open simon4096 opened 1 year ago

simon4096 commented 1 year ago

I have a project with one device connected to Ethernet port and several connected via WiFi. Question: Would it be possible to have IP addresses for Ethernet and WIFI in the same subnet? Via DHCP?

tswen commented 1 year ago

For the current architecture, since WiFi and Ethernet belong to two different interfaces, their network segments are also different. It is currently not possible to have two different types of devices in the same network segment.

simon4096 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the quick answer. Do you have any other ideas how I can achieve my goal? Since the WiFi clients may have multiple network cards, I would like to avoid having to set up a special route here.

simon4096 commented 10 months ago

At the beginning of the project there was introduced a virtual netif (commit: c46a78ac11). May I ask why this concept was thrown away?

simon4096 commented 2 months ago

Any news on?