espressif / esp-iot-bridge

A smart bridge to make both ESP and the other MCU or smart device can access the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
140 stars 49 forks source link


Open rinstrum-franz opened 9 months ago

rinstrum-franz commented 9 months ago


there is following Warning:

warning: the int symbol BRIDGE_SOFTAP_MAX_CONNECT_NUMBER (defined at /home/franz/git/rin/rinGate/rinGate/components/iot_bridge/Kconfig:70) has a non-int default BRIDGE_CUSTOM_MAX_CONNECT_NUMBER (undefined)
tswen commented 9 months ago

Hello, BRIDGE_CUSTOM_MAX_CONNECT_NUMBER was originally a configuration option reserved for the Mesh-Lite solution. However, we are considering removing this undefined configuration option in the future. Please rest assured that it will not have any impact on the IoT-Bridge solution.

rinstrum-franz commented 9 months ago

good !

Am Di., 8. Aug. 2023 um 04:41 Uhr schrieb Tian Sen Wen < @.***>:

Hello, BRIDGE_CUSTOM_MAX_CONNECT_NUMBER was originally a configuration option reserved for the Mesh-Lite solution. However, we are considering removing this undefined configuration option in the future. Please rest assured that it will not have any impact on the IoT-Bridge solution.

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m5it commented 9 months ago

thanks! :)*