espressif / esp-iot-bridge

A smart bridge to make both ESP and the other MCU or smart device can access the Internet.
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Crash wen SPIRAM is on (AEGHB-334) #55

Open franz-ms-muc opened 9 months ago

franz-ms-muc commented 9 months ago

Crash wen SPIRAM is on

See Log:



tswen commented 9 months ago

Hello, may I ask which version of the idf you are using? I recommend trying with idf version 5.0.

m5it commented 9 months ago

me still on 4 didnt notice no problems. only that it leak of memory when x users are connected.. :)

tswen commented 9 months ago

In general, whenever a child node connects to the hotspot of a parent node, the parent node will consume nearly 2k of memory. This is a necessary consumption on the Wi-Fi side, and I'm not sure if the memory leak you mentioned refers to this memory consumption.

franz-ms-muc commented 9 months ago

Hello, may I ask which version of the idf you are using? I recommend trying with idf version 5.0.

ESP-IDF Release v5.1

let me go for a test with

ESP-IDF Release v5.0.3

so, result is that it is same. still crash when spiram on.

franz-ms-muc commented 9 months ago

i will test with 4.4.5 as well. ..

not crash even with SPIRAM on.

franz-ms-muc commented 9 months ago

there is still a Bug inside when using 4.4.5


after running the Sample all SPIRAM is gone, even if we have a lot before:

before: MALLOC_CAP_: 8bit 4454202, 32bit 4488546, SPIRAM 4192135 after: MALLOC_CAP_: 8bit 99880, 32bit 134224, SPIRAM -247

so something consumes away the SPIRAM. so i guess Problem always same, just the crash not happening in 4.4.5, because little bit under the Limit.

franz-ms-muc commented 9 months ago

In general, whenever a child node connects to the hotspot of a parent node, the parent node will consume nearly 2k of memory. This is a necessary consumption on the Wi-Fi side, and I'm not sure if the memory leak you mentioned refers to this memory consumption.

no. it is crashing without anybody has connected, directly at boot up.

tswen commented 9 months ago

there is still a Bug inside when using 4.4.5


after running the Sample all SPIRAM is gone, even if we have a lot before:

before: MALLOC_CAP_: 8bit 4454202, 32bit 4488546, SPIRAM 4192135 after: MALLOC_CAP_: 8bit 99880, 32bit 134224, SPIRAM -247

so something consumes away the SPIRAM. so i guess Problem always same, just the crash not happening in 4.4.5, because little bit under the Limit.

I conducted testing using the branch you provided and found that it seems to be the esp_bridge_create_button API that is causing SPIRAM to become negative. Could you try disabling esp_bridge_create_button on your end?