espressif / esp-iot-bridge

A smart bridge to make both ESP and the other MCU or smart device can access the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot configure pin in sdkconfig because it is outside of active range (CONFIG_BRIDGE_GPIO_RANGE_MAX ) (AEGHB-590) #71

Open mael-richard opened 2 months ago

mael-richard commented 2 months ago

I'm currently working on an ESP32-WROOM-32E and I'm trying to integrate the iot_bridge module so that I can control a 4G modem via the UART.

I'd like to be able to configure pin 34 for the RX of the UART interface, as this is the one wired on the hardware I'm using. But when I try to change the value of CONFIG_BRIDGE_MODEM_UART_RX_PIN in sdkconfig to 34, I get an error telling me that this value is "ignored due to being outside the active range ([0, 33])". I've tried increasing the value of CONFIG_BRIDGE_GPIO_RANGE_MAX (which is indeed 33), but even with this change, it's still impossible to configure CONFIG_BRIDGE_MODEM_UART_RX_PIN. As I understand it, this is because BRIDGE_GPIO_RANGE_MAX is set to 33 in the espressif__iot_bridge Kconfig file.

Would you have a solution for me to increase the gpio range so that I can set CONFIG_BRIDGE_MODEM_UART_RX_PIN to 34 in my sdkconfig?

tswen commented 1 month ago

You can try changing the value of BRIDGE_GPIO_RANGE_MAX.