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[espressif/keyboard_button] How to handle previously pressed keycodes? (AEGHB-685) #370

Closed Junanjunan closed 3 months ago

Junanjunan commented 3 months ago

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General issue report

(Really thank you for answering key combination event question last time.)

With keyboard_button_create function, gpio pins that configured become active. After that, when I press keycodes and release keycodes, it is a little different from usual keyboard.

I will explain that ASCII instead of gpio number. I press 'a' and after that press 'b' without release 'a'. Now, the pressed keys are 'a' and 'b'. And, if I release 'b', mcu recognize 'a' is pressed, so mcu reports 'a' to pc.

Another usual keyboard does not operate like that, In usual keyboards, when I release 'b' in situation 'a' and 'b' are pressed, usual keyboards recognize all keys are released even if I don't release 'a' key.

So, I wonder that I can handle that like usual keyboards with some options or function in your library. Or, do I have to handle it with personally?

lijunru-hub commented 3 months ago

This component will report a series of data whenever the key state changes (any key press/release).

You can choose to handle only key press events and ignore key release events.

static void keyboard_cb(keyboard_btn_handle_t kbd_handle, keyboard_btn_report_t kbd_report, void *user_data)
    /*!< progress with key pressed */
    if (kbd_report.key_change_num > 0) {


    /*!< progress with key release*/
    if (kbd_report.key_change_num < 0) {

Junanjunan commented 3 months ago

Really so thank you about corret and fast answer!