espressif / esp-matter

Espressif's SDK for Matter
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AddRequestData fails when sending OnOff Cluster command (CON-1378) #1119

Open swang4415 opened 1 week ago

swang4415 commented 1 week ago

I am using the Matter protocol to send the OnOff Cluster command. After building the command path, I try to call the AddRequestData function to add the command data (onCommand), but the command fails to send. Here is the error log:

I (11057) MatterController: 按钮按下,时间: 11057194 微秒 I (11247) MatterController: 按钮松开,时间: 189996 微秒 I (11247) MatterController: 切换灯具状态,当前状态: OFF I (11257) app_driver: 按钮被按下,切换灯具状态 I (11257) app_driver: 当前的 Node ID: 0x5164 I (11267) app_driver: 开始查找或建立会话......... I (11267) chip[DIS]: Lookup started for 1A2869E20AC7B3F0-0000000000005164 I (11277) app_driver: 查找或建立会话的请求已发送, 回调地址: 0x3fc98f78 I (11277) MatterController: 灯具状态切换完成!!!!!!!!!! I (11467) chip[DIS]: Checking node lookup status for 1A2869E20AC7B3F0-0000000000005164 after 200 ms I (12037) chip[DIS]: UDP:[FE80::1291:A8FF:FE1F:9D88%st1]:5540: new best score: 7 (for 1A2869E20AC7B3F0-0000000000005164) I (12037) chip[DIS]: UDP: score has not improved: 2 (for 1A2869E20AC7B3F0-0000000000005164) I (12047) chip[DIS]: Checking node lookup status for 1A2869E20AC7B3F0-0000000000005164 after 786 ms I (12067) chip[SC]: Initiating session on local FabricIndex 1 from 0x0000000000007283 -> 0x0000000000005164 I (12127) chip[EM]: <<< [E:55130i S:0 M:65955700] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[FE80::1291:A8FF:FE1F:9D88%st1]:5540] --- Type 0000:30 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma1) (B:234) I (12147) chip[SC]: Sent Sigma1 msg to <0000000000005164, 1> I (12707) chip[EM]: Retransmitting MessageCounter:65955700 on exchange 55130i Send Cnt 1 I (12717) chip[EM]: >>> [E:55130i S:0 M:211836383 (Ack:65955700)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) (B:26) I (12737) chip[EM]: >>> [E:55130i S:0 M:211836384 (Ack:65955700)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:33 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma2Resume) (B:100) I (12747) chip[EM]: <<< [E:55130i S:0 M:65955701 (Ack:211836384)] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[FE80::1291:A8FF:FE1F:9D88%st1]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) (B:26) I (12787) chip[EM]: <<< [E:55130i S:0 M:65955702 (Ack:211836384)] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[FE80::1291:A8FF:FE1F:9D88%st1]:5540] --- Type 0000:40 (SecureChannel:StatusReport) (B:34) I (12807) chip[SC]: SecureSession[0x3fc9b7c8, LSID:33467]: State change 'kEstablishing' --> 'kActive' I (12817) app_driver: 成功与设备建立会话: Node ID 0x5164 I (12817) app_driver: 准备发送命令: 打开 到 endpoint 2 I (12827) app_driver: 命令路径信息: endpointId: 2, ClusterId: 6, CommandId: 1 I (12837) app_driver: PrepareCommand 成功 I (12837) app_driver: 发送打开命令: endpointId: 2, ClusterId: 6, CommandId: 1 E (12847) app_driver: AddRequestData 失败: Error CHIP:0x00000003 E (12847) app_driver: 发送控制命令失败: Error CHIP:0x00000003 I (12857) chip[EM]: >>> [E:55130i S:0 M:211836385 (Ack:65955700)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) (B:26) I (12947) chip[EM]: >>> [E:55130i S:0 M:211836386 (Ack:65955702)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) (B:26)

  1. Create CommandSender and callback objects.
  2. Call PrepareCommand to prepare the command path.
  3. Call AddRequestData to add command data for On/Off Cluster.
  4. Failed to send command.

Is there something I'm missing when using AddRequestData? Is there something else I'm not considering that may be causing the command to fail? Thanks for your help!

wqx6 commented 1 week ago

Please refer to this to write your invoking-command APIs or use our esp_matter::client::interaction::invoke::send_request() directly.