espressif / esp-now

A connectionless Wi-Fi communication protocol
Apache License 2.0
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OTA example don't works with 2.5.0 ESP-NOW Component (AEGHB-562) #112

Closed ScarsFun closed 4 months ago

ScarsFun commented 4 months ago

I'm using idf (5.3.0) going back to 2.4.0 ESP-NOW Component it works.

initiator log:

... I (6378) esp_netif_handlers: example_netif_sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (6379) example_connect: Got IPv4 event: Interface "example_netif_sta" address:
I (6387) example_common: Connected to example_netif_sta
I (6393) example_common: - IPv4 address:,
I (6398) example_common: - IPv6 address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:a276:4eff:fe76:b92c, type: ESP_IP6_ADDR_IS_LINK_LOCAL
I (6410) wifi:Set ps type: 0, coexist: 0

I (6413) espnow: esp-now Version: 2.5.0
I (6418) ESPNOW: espnow [version: 1.0] init
I (6422) espnow: mac: a0:76:4e:76:b9:2c, version: 2
I (6427) espnow: Enable main task
I (6431) espnow: main task entry
I (6432) app_main: Open HTTP connection:
I (9641) app_main: The service download firmware is complete, Spend time: 3s
I (9641) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=001f0020 vaddr=3c020020 size=0b3f8h ( 46072) map
I (9651) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=001fb420 vaddr=3fc8c800 size=01350h ( 4944)
I (9655) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=001fc778 vaddr=40380000 size=038a0h ( 14496)
I (9665) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00200020 vaddr=42000020 size=1a480h (107648) map
I (9682) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0021a4a8 vaddr=403838a0 size=08ddch ( 36316)
W (12202) app_main: espnow wait ota num: 1
I (12202) espnow_ota_initatior: [espnow_ota_initiator_send, 394]: total_size: 209584, packet_num: 1008
I (12272) espnow_ota_initatior: count: 0, Upgrade_initiator_send, requested_num: 1, unfinished_num: 1, successed_nu0 W (27122) espnow_ota_initatior: [espnow_ota_request_status, 293]: wait_ticks: 1000
W (27623) espnow_ota_initatior: [espnow_ota_request_status, 293]: wait_ticks: 500
W (28124) espnow_ota_initatior: [espnow_ota_request_status, 293]: wait_ticks: 500
W (28124) espnow_ota_initatior: ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_OTA_DEVICE_NO_EXIST
W (28130) app_main: [app_firmware_send, 150] espnow_ota_initiator_send
I (28136) main_task: Returned from app_main()

Responder log:

... I (6337) esp_netif_handlers: example_netif_sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (6337) example_connect: Got IPv4 event: Interface "example_netif_sta" address:
I (6345) example_common: Connected to example_netif_sta
I (6351) example_common: - IPv4 address:,
I (6357) example_common: - IPv6 address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:1291:a8ff:fe36:6728, type: ESP_IP6_ADDR_IS_LINK_LOCAL
I (6368) wifi:Set ps type: 0, coexist: 0

I (6372) espnow: esp-now Version: 2.5.0
I (6376) ESPNOW: espnow [version: 1.0] init
I (6380) espnow: mac: 10:91:a8:36:67:28, version: 2
I (6386) espnow: Enable main task
I (6390) espnow: main task entry
I (6391) main_task: Returned from app_main()
W (77546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (77549) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (80546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (80552) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (83546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (83552) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (86546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (86552) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (89546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (89552) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (92546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (92552) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (95546) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (98546) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (98547) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (101546) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
I (101546) wifi:bcn_timeout,ap_probe_send_start
W (104547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (104547) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (107547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (107553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (110547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (110553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (113547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (113553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (116547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (116553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (119547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (119553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (122547) espnow: [espnow_recv_cb, 345] Send event queue failed
W (122553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, channel: 1
W (122553) espnow: [espnow_send_forward, 891]: [espnow_send_forward, 891] esp_now_send, cha1

best regards

lhespress commented 4 months ago

@ScarsFun It's a duplicate/cross-posting of please check again as @Connor-WangK provided commit.

andy-danieal commented 4 months ago

@lhespress, I have tested with esp-now 2.4.0 with working but issue when used 2.5.0

lhespress commented 4 months ago

@andy-danieal @ScarsFun The OTA enable forward as default from 2.5.0, please change CONFIG_ESPNOW_OTA_RETRANSMISSION_TIMES=2 and check again.

ScarsFun commented 4 months ago

@lhespress works with your advice. Thanks

andy-danieal commented 4 months ago

@lhespress , It's works. Could you please explain why this changes require?

lhespress commented 4 months ago

@andy-danieal If the number of retransmission times is too large, It'll take a long time because of the forwarding function is enabled. Therefore, the data thrown by the receive callback to the queue cannot be processed in time, so the queue is full and cause OTA failure.