espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
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ESP Rainmaker "implicit declaration error" (MEGH-3845) #173

Closed Halabdelkrim closed 1 year ago

Halabdelkrim commented 1 year ago


I'm playing around the ESP Rainmaker examples, but when i tried to use "esp_rmaker_schedule_get_params()" method, i always face an error "implicit declaration of function", even if I'm including all the necessary headers.

../main/app_main.c:99:25: error: implicit declaration of function 'esp_rmaker_schedule_get_params'; did you mean 'esp_rmaker_schedule_enable'? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]

It would be so appreciated if you could help me figure out this issue!

Thank you.

jacek12345 commented 1 year ago

wher Did You get "esp_rmaker_schedule_get_params()" ? I can't see this in documentation:

Halabdelkrim commented 1 year ago

@jacek12345 Yes i didn't find it in the documentation too, but you can find it in "esp_rmaker_schedule.c" in the components folder.

The reason why i want to use this method is to store the schedules, so they can still works when the esp goes offline.

If you know any other solution to achieve that, please let me know.

Thank you!

shahpiyushv commented 1 year ago

@Halabdelkrim , you just need to call the esp_rmaker_schedule_enable() API. Rest all is managed by the phone apps and the esp rainmaker core. The same write callback that is registered for write params gets invoked in the context of scheduling too. You can find more information here.

Halabdelkrim commented 1 year ago

@shahpiyushv Thank you so much for the answer.

I tried this two ways (inside write callback), but with no result:

else if (strcmp(esp_rmaker_param_get_name(param), "Schedule") == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received Schedule = %s for %s - %s", val.val.s, esp_rmaker_device_get_name(device), esp_rmaker_param_get_name(param)); printf("Triggered /n"); }

else if (strcmp(esp_rmaker_param_get_name(param), ESP_RMAKER_DEF_SCHEDULE_NAME) == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received Schedule = %s for %s - %s", val.val.s, esp_rmaker_device_get_name(device), esp_rmaker_param_get_name(param)); printf("Triggered /n"); }

Also tried "esp_rmaker_param_get_type()" method and unfortunately no result.

Is this the right way to do it? If no, please provide me with an example.

Thank you.

shahpiyushv commented 1 year ago

@Halabdelkrim , you would not get any callback for the schedule service or the schedule params themselves. The scheduling framework will invoke your devices specific callback at the scheduled time.

Eg. if you have scheduling enabled and from the phone app you set a schedule for setting "Power" to "true" for your Switch at 6pm everyday, then the esp rainmaker core will invoke your Switch devices's callback at 6 pm everyday. A print like this in your callback will also tell you that your callback was invoked because of a schedule "Schedule".

Note that the firmware manages this locally based on the SNTP based time and the timezone configured. It need not be connected to the Internet at that moment.

It would help if you try the examples like switch/led_light and see how adding schedules from phone apps work for them.

Halabdelkrim commented 1 year ago

@shahpiyushv Thank you so much sir for the answer.

The scheduling works very well in my case, but i noticed that it doesn't work if the esp32 not connected to the internet.

My idea is to take the schedules received from the mobile application and store them, so they can still work even if the esp32 goes offline.

I'm using the ESP32 with a DS1302 RTC and i want the schedules to work with the time coming from the DS1302.

Is this possible?

Thank you.

shahpiyushv commented 1 year ago

@Halabdelkrim , we use SNTP to sync time, but if you have an external RTC, and you want to use that to set the time, you can just call the settimeofday() API with appropriate input. Rest all would be managed automatically.