espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
Apache License 2.0
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Rainmaker OTA problem (MEGH-4280) #234

Open Assis08 opened 1 year ago

Assis08 commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone.

I'm using the following rainmaker example with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16 and Arduino IDE:

together with the u8g2 library:

after finishing rainmaker provisioning, the following error is occurring:

Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Unhandled debug exception). Debug exception reason: Stack canary watchpoint triggered (Tmr Svc) Core 0 register dump: PC : 0x40380bb3 PS : 0x00060136 A0 : 0x80380d77 A1 : 0x3fcf6080
A2 : 0x3fcc40bc A3 : 0xffffffff A4 : 0x00060f20 A5 : 0x3fcd3640
A6 : 0xffffff01 A7 : 0x00000008 A8 : 0x80381cb0 A9 : 0x3fcf6090
A10 : 0x00060123 A11 : 0x00000000 A12 : 0x00060120 A13 : 0x3fcd3640
A14 : 0x00000000 A15 : 0xffffffe0 SAR : 0x00000010 EXCCAUSE: 0x00000001
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x40056f5c LEND : 0x40056f72 LCOUNT : 0xffffffff

Backtrace: 0x40380bb0:0x3fcf6080 0x40380d74:0x3fcf60c0 0x40379561:0x3fcf60e0 0x40379639:0x3fcf6110 0x42100025:0x3fcf6130 0x4210003f:0x3fcf6150 0x420d8ac3:0x3fcf6170 0x420d8afe:0x3fcf6190 0x420ce516:0x3fcf61b0 0x420cded1:0x3fcf61d0 0x420d3259:0x3fcf6210 0x420d35c9:0x3fcf6260 0x420cdd19:0x3fcf6280 0x420ce235:0x3fcf62c0 0x420c4a4a:0x3fcf6300 0x420c54b2:0x3fcf63d0 0x420c5d1d:0x3fcf6410 0x420c5d5e:0x3fcf6430 0x420bd3d2:0x3fcf6450 0x420bdfee:0x3fcf6470 0x42124cdf:0x3fcf6490 0x420addb8:0x3fcf64b0 0x420ade12:0x3fcf64d0 0x420af78d:0x3fcf64f0 0x420ad595:0x3fcf6530 0x4204d989:0x3fcf6550 0x4204e71e:0x3fcf6570 0x4204e747:0x3fcf66e0 0x40382e89:0x3fcf6700

when I disable the option: RMaker.enableOTA(OTA_USING_TOPICS); the error no longer happens. Can anyone tell me if this could be a rainmaker bug with OTA?

sanketwadekar commented 1 year ago

Hi @Assis08 Does the same error occur on the standalone RMakerSwitch example (without adding the u8g2 library) ?

Assis08 commented 1 year ago

Hi @sanketwadekar

Yes, the problem occurs without the u8g2 library.

sanketwadekar commented 1 year ago

@Assis08 Thanks for reporting this issue. The error seen is due to less stack memory allocated to "Tmr Svc" task. This can be configured using CONFIG_FREERTOS_TIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH. Increasing it's value will solve this issue. We will fix this in the next release of Arduino (2.0.7).