espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot run rainmaker example (MEGH-4782) #272

Open Dadeibayo opened 11 months ago

Dadeibayo commented 11 months ago

Answers checklist.

IDF / ESP32-Arduino version.


Operating System used.


How did you build your project?

Other (please specify in More Information)

Development Kit.


What is the expected behavior?

I git rainmaker's code according to the document, use vscode to use esp-idf extension, and want to run the example named switch, but vscode says that the source file "esp_rmaker_core.h" cannot be opened. I can't open any of the components. I don't know if it's related to cmakelist. I know some basic cmake, but I still don't know how to write the cmakelist file of esp-idf. There are a number of other related path issues, I wanted to use the esp32-box example to run under ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1, which involves rainmaker, but because cmake ran into a number of path issues, it is at a loss.

What is the actual behavior?

I git rainmaker's code according to the document, use vscode to use esp-idf extension, and want to run the example named switch, but vscode says that the source file "esp_rmaker_core.h" cannot be opened. I can't open any of the components. I don't know if it's related to cmakelist. I know some basic cmake, but I still don't know how to write the cmakelist file of esp-idf. There are a number of other related path issues, I wanted to use the esp32-box example to run under ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1, which involves rainmaker, but because cmake ran into a number of path issues, it is at a loss.

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Step 略
  2. Step
  3. Step ...

Build Logs.

检测到 #include 错误。请更新 includePath。已为此翻译单元(E:\espressif\project\esp-rainmaker-master\examples\switch\main\app_driver.c)禁用波形曲线。
    "resource": "/e:/espressif/project/esp-rainmaker-master/examples/switch/main/app_main.c",
    "owner": "C/C++: IntelliSense",
    "code": "1696",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "无法打开 源 文件 \"esp_rmaker_core.h\"",
    "source": "C/C++",
    "startLineNumber": 18,
    "startColumn": 1,
    "endLineNumber": 18,
    "endColumn": 29

More Information.

No response

shahpiyushv commented 11 months ago

@Dadeibayo , is your vs code set up correctly? Have you tried building any esp idf example?

Dadeibayo commented 11 months ago

@Dadeibayo , is your vs code set up correctly? Have you tried building any esp idf example?

What settings are you referring to? After I downloaded esp-idf v5.0.2, I could compile and run the example of getstart, such as blink, and then I downloaded rainmaker, and I wanted to try to run the example in rainmaker, but found it was not working. I am a novice, how should I port the sample watering_demo under esp-box to ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1, how should I do it. At present, I have removed the relevant files with compilation errors, such as rainmaker files, wifi files, etc., and only realized the function of detecting soil moisture. Regarding esp32-idf, I have read the documentation, but I feel that I can't grasp the key points. Maybe the documentation is still not friendly to novices, so I still can't complete it. May I ask what knowledge I need to supplement to help me better develop esp32