espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
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Matter example does not work with local control (MEGH-5010) #283

Closed tbthaker23 closed 8 months ago

tbthaker23 commented 8 months ago

Answers checklist.

IDF / ESP32-Arduino version.


Operating System used.


How did you build your project?

Command line with

Development Kit.


What is the expected behavior?

I have tried the matter light and switch example given in Rainmaker SDK. It works fine. I have enable the local control from the menuconfig settings and when I checked for local control the matter device does not controllable from local network.

What is the actual behavior?

Similar the Rainmaker multi_device example, local control is not working for matter_light and matter_switch.

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Step :Enable the local control option from menuconfig
  2. Step: Disable the internet and try to access the node within local network
  3. Step: Node is not accessible from local network. ...

Debug Logs.

E (7697) Dynamic Impl: alloc(4437 bytes) failed
E (7707) esp-tls-mbedtls: write error :-0x7F00:
E (7707) transport_base: esp_tls_conn_write error, errno=Success
E (7707) mqtt_client: Writing failed: errno=0
E (7717) esp_mqtt_glue: MQTT_EVENT_ERROR
E (7717) mqtt_client: Error to subscribe topic=node/jFioTsikMxvhwyneEz9ScB/params/remote, qos=1
E (7727) esp_rmaker_param: Failed to subscribe to node/jFioTsikMxvhwyneEz9ScB/params/remote. Error -1
E (7737) esp_rmaker_core: Aborting!!!

More Information.

No response

shahpiyushv commented 8 months ago

@tbthaker23 matter itself is meant for local control and so, the esp local control used in other non Matter examples is not meant to co-exist with Matter.

tbthaker23 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for quick response. I know matter itself for local control. So Matter_Light is locally controllable by using Rainmaker mobile application? When we can expect the Matter Controller for RainMaker?