espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
Apache License 2.0
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How to Connect Multiple ESP32 (MEGH-5123) #291

Open AkashPanja opened 6 months ago

AkashPanja commented 6 months ago

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How to Connect Multiple ESP32 with each other, while both are connected to same wifi network, One has Some Binary Sensor, While Other Device is connected to a Light, Based on Sensor Data, Light Should Turn on or Off, also it should work fine if internet is not present.

Describe alternatives you've considered.

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shahpiyushv commented 6 months ago

ESP RainMaker does not support offline event based triggers. The RainMaker automation framework requires Internet connectivity. However, you can use Matter (either pure matter or RainMaker + Matter) devices to achieve this functionality using the concept of "Matter Bindings" in ESP RainMaker app.