espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
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Device Integration into Alexa (MEGH-5166) #294

Closed FloBer431 closed 5 months ago

FloBer431 commented 6 months ago

Answers checklist.

General issue report

I‘m working on a system for integrating firefighters pager into smart Home Systems.

My plan is, to use the device type contact sensor, as this is able to trigger routines, like switching on lights etc.

I was able to create a contact sensor as custom Device, wich is available over the esp Rainmaker App. But Even After connecting Alexa, the Device does Not Show in the Alexa App. Has somebody already done something like this and had similar Problems?

I dont know any further, i have tried many times, but it Never worked out.

I‘m going to share some code snips After this Text.

PS: I'm working with ESP-Rainmaker in Arduino IDE

FloBer431 commented 6 months ago

Device Declaration: static Device *CONTACT_SENSOR = NULL; ... CONTACT_SENSOR = new Device("Contact Sensor", NULL, NULL); Param deviceParam("Contact Detection State", "contact-detection-state" , value(false), PROP_FLAG_READ | PROP_FLAG_WRITE); deviceParam.addUIType(ESP_RMAKER_UI_TOGGLE); CONTACT_SENSOR->addParam(deviceParam); ... Node my_node; my_node = RMaker.initNode("Pager"); ... CONTACT_SENSOR->addCb(write_callback); ... my_node.addDevice(*CONTACT_SENSOR);

Callback Function: void write_callback(Device *device, Param *param, const param_val_t val, void *priv_data, write_ctx_t *ctx) { const char *device_name = device->getDeviceName(); Serial.println(device_name); const char *param_name = param->getParamName(); if (strcmp(device_name, "Contact Sensor") == 0){ Serial.printf("ContactSensor = %s\n", val.val.b? "true" : "false"); if (strcmp(param_name, "Contact Detection State") == 0){ Serial.printf("Received value = %s for %s - %s\n", val.val.b ? "true" : "false", device_name, param_name); contact_state = val.val.b; param->updateAndReport(val); } } }

Update: if (contact_state != contact_state_old) { contact_state_old = contact_state; Serial.printf("Toggle State to %s.\n", contact_state ? "true" : "false"); CONTACT_SENSOR->updateAndReportParam("Contact Detection State", contact_state); }

shahpiyushv commented 6 months ago

@FloBer431 , please refer the rainmaker standard device types and param types and create your device accordingly so that it can show up in Alexa. Let us know if that does not work.

FloBer431 commented 6 months ago

@FloBer431 , please refer the rainmaker standard device types and param types and create your device accordingly so that it can show up in Alexa. Let us know if that does not work.

I tried to do that, but i didn't manage to do it. In the Arduino Library aren't all standard devices, like in the links you wrote. Can somebody help me adjust my code or has an example for integrating a contact sensor?

FloBer431 commented 6 months ago

@shahpiyushv I tried to work with your linked types, but I'm working with the Arduino IDE library, and the whole syntax is very different, there a also not all functions, devices and params configured yet.

shahpiyushv commented 6 months ago

While creating a device, just add the device type as second argument. For a standard contact sensor, it is "", so your code will be

CONTACT_SENSOR = new Device("Contact Sensor", "", NULL);

This will create contact sensor and add. name parameter to it. To create a standard parameter, you can pass its type as below

Param deviceParam("Contact Detection State", "" , value(false), PROP_FLAG_READ); 

Note that the PRO_FLAG_WRITE has been removed, since this would not be a writable parameter. Please try these changes in your code and let us know if it works.

ChrisMichae commented 5 months ago

I am right now not in my home, I will send my updates after a month thank you for your service

gbrcode commented 4 months ago

Hello, how should I do for a thermostat, what are the parameters that must be set for Alexa to recognize

shahpiyushv commented 4 months ago

Please check out the supported standard types for this information. To summarise

device: esp.device.thermostat parameters:, esp.param.setpoint-temperature, esp.param.temperature, and (optionally) esp.param.power

gbrcode commented 4 months ago

Node my_node; my_node = RMaker.initNode(nodeName);

THERMOSTAT = new Device("Thermostat", "esp.device.thermostat", &gpio_dimmer);


Param setPointParam("Target temperature", "esp.param.setpoint-temperature", value(TEMPERATURA_AMBIENTE), PROP_FLAG_READ | PROP_FLAG_WRITE); setPointParam.addBounds(value(0), value(100), value(1)); setPointParam.addUIType(ESP_RMAKER_UI_SLIDER); THERMOSTAT->addParam(setPointParam);

THERMOSTAT->addCb(write_callback); my_node.addDevice(*THERMOSTAT);

What I don't understand is how to define the other parameters, for example the temperature, and the power doesn't appear in Alexa and in Google Home it doesn't display anything. I don't know if I make myself understood. thank you

shahpiyushv commented 3 months ago

Have you tried adding esp.param.temperature as float and as string parameter since these are also mentioned to be mandatory as per our starndard types' docs?