espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
Apache License 2.0
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"Assisted Claiming not supported for SoftAP. Cannot Proceed" (MEGH-5331) #303

Open dzungpv opened 4 months ago

dzungpv commented 4 months ago

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General issue report

I try softap provision but it not working on esp32 eco3. But Rain Maker app show the option, is this mode support?

shahpiyushv commented 4 months ago

For SoftAP provisioning, assisted claiming won't work. Primary reason is that assisted claiming requires Internet connectivity, and since the phone would be disconnected from the home AP at this time, we will have to rely on mobile Internet, which may or may not be available. You can use BLE provisioning instead or use host driven claiming and then SoftAP provisioning,

dzungpv commented 4 months ago

I also have other problem. I use Arduino RainMaker and can provision it, But when using Arduino as ESP IDF component it is not work. The example work fine when I am not using it as Arduino component. I create the issue here: