espressif / esp-rainmaker

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development
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Use memcpy instead of strncpy to silence compiler warning (MEGH-5483) #313

Open thomasschaub opened 2 months ago

thomasschaub commented 2 months ago

The old version triggers a stringop-truncation compiler warning. According to the GCC manual, memcpy is the suggested fix in this exact scenario.

Curious: the warning seems to be only triggered in esp-idf's CONFIG_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_PERF mode (which corresponds to GCC's -O2 flag). It seems that GCC triggers the warning for -O2, but not for -O1 (demo).

CLAassistant commented 2 months ago

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thomasschaub commented 2 months ago

I just saw that #297 is basically the same thing, so if that get's merged, I'd be happy to drop this one.