espressif / esp-who

Face detection and recognition framework
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matrix3du item alloc faield #122

Closed Mohammed-Ka closed 4 years ago

Mohammed-Ka commented 4 years ago


Recently i purchased this board: TTGO T-JOURNAL ESP32 CAM. I'm trying to run the ESP-WHO default CameraWebserver example on it, everything worked fine except for face recognition and detection. Everytime i press the face recognition button the camera turns black and i get this error in serial monitor :

matrix3du item alloc faield


I did some research about it and find out the problem is from esp32 board core so i downgraded to version 1.0.1 as recommended and tried again and still same error. Any suggestions to solve this issue would be highly appreciated.

Thank you.


Screenshot from 2019-10-24 01-27-26 Screenshot from 2019-10-24 01-42-25

me-no-dev commented 4 years ago

did you enable psram in menuconfig?

Mohammed-Ka commented 4 years ago

Yes i enabled it and i tried to flash the code twice one with esp-idf and one with arduino ide. Same problem everytime, I've been trying for almost one week now without solution

XiaochaoGONG commented 4 years ago

Can you post on your sdkconfig and some logs at the initial steps ?

Mohammed-Ka commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately this model don't have psram, i asked the manufacturer about it. Thanks guys