espressif / esp-who

Face detection and recognition framework
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ESP-WHO example for ESP-EYE errors (AIV-452) #184

Closed waymousa closed 2 years ago

waymousa commented 2 years ago

After building the "human_face_recognition\terminal" I flash and upload the code but I get the following message:

E (1846) gpio: gpio_install_isr_service(460): GPIO isr service already installed

A quick press on the "boot" button generates the following output in the terminal:

W (172686) cam_hal: Failed to get the frame on time!

After which there is a panic and it reboots.

I'm not a c programmer by trade but I think the GPIO failure is sopping the button presses from being detected.

Can anyone help with this issue?

TiramisuJ commented 2 years ago

@waymousa You can fix this problem temporarily by defining “FB_GET_TIMEOUT”(in esp-who/components/esp32-camera/driver/esp_camera.c line297) to "portMAX_DELAY"

ESP-YHY commented 2 years ago

Hi @waymousa, this issue should be solved now. Please try the latest on master again.