Open vedatbotuk opened 10 months ago
I think the ADC operation during light sleep is not supported yet. You can acquire a sleep lock for the ADC operation, please try out the follow code:
esp_pm_lock_handle_t s_adc_lock;
esp_pm_lock_create(ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX, 0, "adc", &s_adc_lock);
// do the ADC operation here
No change. Unfortunately, this extension does not help either.
I am using two parallel tasks, could this be the reason?
hello @chshu, I have the same problem as @vedatbotuk, I can't read the adc correctly, the only time the adc read is correct is when the read is done at the same time as the zigbee keepalive signal, then the problem is that the code you posted above does not work, it does not keep the chip awake to read
@vedatbotuk @diazmanuel In the esp-idf, the ADC light sleep retention feature for the esp32h2 has not been supported yet. As a result, ADC register backup and restoration are not supported. Therefore, after waking up, the ADC registers are not restored.
If you really need to use the ADC during light sleep, you can try the following approach: after waking up, reinitialize the ADC, read ADC data, deinitialize the ADC, and then go back to sleep.
@kelin6 , Do you know when this feature will be implemented? Is there a plan?
hello @kelin6
If you really need to use the ADC during light sleep, you can try the following approach: after waking up, reinitialize the ADC, read ADC data, deinitialize the ADC, and then go back to sleep.
i already try that but sometimes works and sometimes not, will you add this feature ? in my case i dont need to read on the sleep state but i wish i could only initialize 1 time and the read locking the chip in the awake state.
@diazmanuel @vedatbotuk The ADC light sleep feature may take several months to be supported in ESP-IDF.
Based on the solution I previously provided, after waking up from sleep, reinitialize the ADC, read ADC data, and then deinitialize.
The following code is added to the Zigbee sleep section, and then esp_zb_sleep_now() is called:
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Zigbee can sleep");
The attachment includes the ADC's init, deinit, and read interfaces, with GPIO3 set as the default. sleep_adc.txt
Hello, @kelin6 I have the same problem as @diazmanuel @vedatbotuk. The solution you propose to measure after sleep in the zigbee handler is a problem and it still gives me the same result of 4081. I clarify that I am using the esp32H2 for a low energy product.
@agustinebrecht @diazmanuel @vedatbotuk For your convenience in testing, I am uploading my test code Based on the esp-zigbee-sdk light sleep example, I have added ADC-related interfaces. The testing environment is as follows:
esp-idf: ab03c2ea1 esp-zigbee-sdk: 1.1.1 CHIP: ESP32H2 When GPIO3 is connected to 3.3V, the ADC read data is 3360. When GPIO3 is connected to GND, the ADC read data is 0.
Please use the test code I provided above for testing. If there are any other issues during testing, feel free to provide your test code for further analysis.
Thanks for your code @kelin6 . That works fine. I have another questions. If I want to read the GPIO pin during light sleep, it doesn't work properly either.
I use following code in void app_main(void)
gpio_set_direction(INPUT_PIN, GPIO_MODE_INPUT);
gpio_set_pull_mode(INPUT_PIN, GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY);
And I try to check the GPIO Input, if is up or down with a while loop.
I get wrong input while running light sleep. It trigers without any reason.
I tried also after esp_zb_sleep_now();
, but it did not work. Do you have any solution for that.
@vedatbotuk I am uploading my test code Based on the esp-zigbee-sdk light sleep example, I have added GPIO get level related interfaces. The testing environment is as follows:
esp-idf: 0c47128 esp-zigbee-sdk: 1.2.0
When GPIO3 is connected to 3.3V, the gpio_get_level
is 1.
When GPIO3 is connected to GND, the gpio_get_level
is 0.
In my case I need some sleep time, otherwise gpio_get_level(INPUT_PIN)
does not work correct.
In following out put you can see that.
I (12710) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (12760) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (18746) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (26755) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (26756) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (26806) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (34755) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (34756) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (34806) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (42769) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (42769) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (42820) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (50768) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (50768) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (50818) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (65864) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (68374) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (71392) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (71393) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (71443) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (77420) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (85429) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (85430) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I (85480) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water alarm released
I (93428) SIGNAL: Zigbee can sleep
I (93429) WATERLEAK_CHECK: Water detected
I just add some sleep time befor or after esp_zb_sleep_now()
and then works fine.
ESP_LOGI(TAG_SIGNAL_HANDLER, "Zigbee can sleep");
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); /*This sleep is necessary for the get_button()*/
@vedatbotuk Based on my code, it seems to be working fine. I'm not quite sure why you need to call vTaskDelay again.
Could you provide the simplest possible code based on our esp-zigbee-light sleep example that can reproduce the issue on your end? This will help us investigate further.
how do you get the gpio level to show up in home assistant?
@Drippin101 You can try this: After waking up the device, read the GPIO level and send a custom cluster containing the GPIO level data to Home Assistant.
@vedatbotuk There were some fixes in the ADC retention after sleep, could you test again using IDF v5.3.1, let us know if you still see any issues.
Ok @chshu, I will check it.
Hi @chshu I could test it today. For me works with IDF v5.2.3 fine.
Answers checklist.
IDF version.
esp-zigbee-lib version.
esp-zboss-lib version.
Espressif SoC revision.
What is the expected behavior?
Read ADC data during light-sleep
What is the actual behavior?
I would like to measure the battery voltage via ADC input. If I do not use sleep mode, it works. But if I use light sleep it does not work.
Steps to reproduce.
More Information.
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