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Espressif Zigbee SDK
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Adding HA Extended Color Light to the ZigBee example projects (TZ-844) #337

Closed mjdswan closed 3 weeks ago

mjdswan commented 4 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

We are developing a ZigBee color light using ESP32C6, which for commercial reasons must join a SONOFF ZigBee Bridge network. So far I cannot get your HA color light example to join.

Describe the solution you'd like.

According to my tests using your example projects while sniffing the joining sequence, I am able to join the SONOFF bridge when using the example HA_on_off_light and it works fine. However if I try to use the example HA_color_dimmable_light, the SONOFF sends a Leave request about a half second after we send it our Simple Descriptor response (ack'd) for the endpoint. I cannot see a reason for that other than the bridge not supporting device type 0x0102, although it's a bit of an educated guess.

I also have another commercial ZigBee light device which joins this SONOFF bridge successfully as device type 0x010D (Extended color light).

Describe alternatives you've considered.

I wonder if it would be a simple task for you to add this 0x010D device as an example project. Alternatively, if there is a way to manually configure the endpoint descriptor as such via the API, I'll be happy to hear it.

Additional context.

No response

xieqinan commented 3 weeks ago


Could you please give the following code a try?

static void esp_zb_task(void *pvParameters)
    /* initialize Zigbee stack */
    esp_zb_cfg_t zb_nwk_cfg = ESP_ZB_ZR_CONFIG();
    esp_zb_color_dimmable_light_cfg_t light_cfg = ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT_CONFIG();
    esp_zb_ep_list_t *ep_list = esp_zb_ep_list_create();
    esp_zb_endpoint_config_t endpoint_config = {
        .app_profile_id = ESP_ZB_AF_HA_PROFILE_ID,
        .app_device_id = 0x010D,
        .app_device_version = 0,
    esp_zb_ep_list_add_ep(ep_list, esp_zb_color_dimmable_light_clusters_create(&light_cfg), endpoint_config);
mjdswan commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @xieqinan, Thanks a lot, your sample works and the board joins the SONOFF bridge now. I have been exploring the examples more and I think I understand enough to create what I need. Thank you for the prompt and excellent help.

Regards, Mark.