espressif / esp-zigbee-sdk

Espressif Zigbee SDK
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Active scan do not work at all (TZ-926) #362

Closed rickou closed 5 months ago

rickou commented 5 months ago

Answers checklist.

IDF version.


esp-zigbee-lib version.


esp-zboss-lib version.


Espressif SoC revision.


What is the expected behavior?

I would like to do an active scan to get all PAN around me. i only add the command to the HA_on_off_light example. ` void active_scan_cb(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, uint8_t count, esp_zb_network_descriptor_t *nwk_descriptor) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Active scan"); }

void esp_zb_app_signal_handler(esp_zb_app_signal_t signal_struct) { uint32_t p_sg_p = signal_struct->p_app_signal; esp_err_t err_status = signal_struct->esp_err_status; esp_zb_app_signal_type_t sig_type = p_sg_p; switch (sig_type) { case ESP_ZB_ZDO_SIGNAL_SKIP_STARTUP: ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Zigbee stack initialized"); // esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request(ESP_ZB_TRANSCEIVER_ALL_CHANNELS_MASK,10,active_scan_cb); esp_zb_bdb_start_top_level_commissioning(ESP_ZB_BDB_MODE_INITIALIZATION); break; case ESP_ZB_BDB_SIGNAL_DEVICE_FIRST_START: case ESP_ZB_BDB_SIGNAL_DEVICE_REBOOT: if (err_status == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Start network steering"); esp_zb_bdb_start_top_level_commissioning(ESP_ZB_BDB_MODE_NETWORK_STEERING); } else { / commissioning failed */ ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Failed to initialize Zigbee stack (status: %s)", esp_err_to_name(err_status)); } break; case ESP_ZB_BDB_SIGNAL_STEERING: if (err_status == ESP_OK) { esp_zb_ieee_addr_t extended_pan_id; esp_zb_get_extended_pan_id(extended_pan_id); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Joined network successfully (Extended PAN ID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, PAN ID: 0x%04hx, Channel:%d)", extended_pan_id[7], extended_pan_id[6], extended_pan_id[5], extended_pan_id[4], extended_pan_id[3], extended_pan_id[2], extended_pan_id[1], extended_pan_id[0], esp_zb_get_pan_id(), esp_zb_get_current_channel()); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Network steering was not successful (status: %s)", esp_err_to_name(err_status)); esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request(ESP_ZB_TRANSCEIVER_ALL_CHANNELS_MASK,200,active_scan_cb); // esp_zb_scheduler_alarm((esp_zb_callback_t)bdb_start_top_level_commissioning_cb, ESP_ZB_BDB_MODE_NETWORK_STEERING, 1000); } break; default: ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ZDO signal: %s (0x%x), status: %s", esp_zb_zdo_signal_to_string(sig_type), sig_type, esp_err_to_name(err_status)); break; } } `

What is the actual behavior?

I (607) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: ZDO signal: ZDO Config Ready (0x17), status: ESP_FAIL I (617) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: Zigbee stack initialized ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:349 dev type 2, joined 0, ext_pan_id 0, authenticated 0, tclk_valid 1 ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:549 COMMISSIONING_STOP: app signal 5 comm status 0 I (637) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: Start network steering ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:349 dev type 2, joined 0, ext_pan_id 0, authenticated 0, tclk_valid 1 I (657) main_task: Returned from app_main() ZBOSS: mac/mac.c:1039 Oops - error beacon payload is too small buf_sz 15 - drop it ZBOSS: zdo/zdo_commissioning.c:210 Can't find PAN to join to! param 25 ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:549 COMMISSIONING_STOP: app signal 10 comm status 3 I (2907) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) W (2917) ESP_ZIGBEE_API_ZDO: active scanned network failed! ZBOSS: nwk/nwk_main.c:2336 Drop packet with improper protocol version: 0x5

i get active scan failure.. i tryed to call this function at different locations, different scan time, without success.. For sure i have 3 Zigbee networks around me.

i read the docs, humm... absolutly nothing writen on it... no source code, so impossible to debug what's happen.. no examples nothing on internet about active scan with ESP Zigbee lib..

i need help...

Steps to reproduce.

just open Espressif IDE, create a new project from HA_on_off_light and modify it to add the function 'esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request'

I (607) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: ZDO signal: ZDO Config Ready (0x17), status: ESP_FAIL I (617) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: Zigbee stack initialized ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:349 dev type 2, joined 0, ext_pan_id 0, authenticated 0, tclk_valid 1 ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:549 COMMISSIONING_STOP: app signal 5 comm status 0 I (637) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: Start network steering ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:349 dev type 2, joined 0, ext_pan_id 0, authenticated 0, tclk_valid 1 I (657) main_task: Returned from app_main() ZBOSS: mac/mac.c:1039 Oops - error beacon payload is too small buf_sz 15 - drop it ZBOSS: zdo/zdo_commissioning.c:210 Can't find PAN to join to! param 25 ZBOSS: commissioning/bdb/zdo_commissioning_bdb.c:549 COMMISSIONING_STOP: app signal 10 comm status 3 I (2907) ESP_ZB_ON_OFF_LIGHT: Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) W (2917) ESP_ZIGBEE_API_ZDO: active scanned network failed! ZBOSS: nwk/nwk_main.c:2336 Drop packet with improper protocol version: 0x5

More Information.

No response

xieqinan commented 5 months ago


The issue may be triggered by the esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request(ESP_ZB_TRANSCEIVER_ALL_CHANNELS_MASK, 200, active_scan_cb);. If the scan_duration parameter is set to 200, according to the specification, the wait time for the scan to finish is (2^200 + 1) * beacon_time * all_channel_number milliseconds, which is excessively long. Could you please try using esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request(ESP_ZB_TRANSCEIVER_ALL_CHANNELS_MASK, 3, active_scan_cb); instead?

rickou commented 5 months ago

hi, I tried what you recommanded. I got it to work and find only 1 PANID

Also tried to set scan_duration to 5 and 4 without success.. back to 3, and now i get again "ESP_ZIGBEE_API_ZDO: active scanned network failed!"

it is very random.. and again, no clues about reason of failure..

Thanks for your help !!

rickou commented 5 months ago

it seems the scan fails when no panid found. but how to know the failure at application side ? i have not found any callbacks or function result ?

it seems also the function only found networks with "permit join" enabled.. how to list all networks around ?

xieqinan commented 5 months ago


it seems the scan fails when no panid found. but how to know the failure at application side ?

It seems to be a bug. The callback for scanning failure will be provided in the next release.

it seems also the function only found networks with "permit join" enabled.. how to list all networks around ?

The esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request() should scan all networks around. It is not limited by the stack. Could you please double-check it?

rickou commented 5 months ago

it seems also the function only found networks with "permit join" enabled.. how to list all networks around ?

The esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request() should scan all networks around. It is not limited by the stack. Could you please double-check it?

i made a simple test, exactly same environment, ESP same place and don't move, so radio conditions are exactly the same Around me, i have at least 3 panIds 1 network could be joined anytime (always open to join)

2 networks can't be joined (need to activate join)

in these conditions, result is:

I (230131) VRGATEWAY: Start active scan (timeout=3)
esp32c6> I (232381) VRGATEWAY: Active scan result 0 count: 1
I (232381) VRGATEWAY:   PANID 47:42:30:30:30:31:31:37 (0xdeba) join permited

if i extend scan timeout (same result)

scan 5
I (565911) VRGATEWAY: Start active scan (timeout=5)
esp32c6> I (574071) VRGATEWAY: Active scan result 0 count: 1
I (574071) VRGATEWAY:   PANID 47:42:30:30:30:31:31:37 (0xdeba) join permited

if i open 1 of the 2 other networks

esp32c6> scan
I (655521) VRGATEWAY: Start active scan (timeout=3)
esp32c6> I (663691) VRGATEWAY: Active scan result 0 count: 2
I (663691) VRGATEWAY:   PANID 47:42:30:30:30:31:31:37 (0xdeba) join permited
I (663691) VRGATEWAY:   PANID 18:11:23:17:00:00:00:00 (0x2317) join permited

here is the code

void active_scan_cb(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, uint8_t count, esp_zb_network_descriptor_t *nwk_descriptor)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Active scan result %d count: %d",zdo_status, count);
    for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "  PANID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x (0x%04x) join %s",


static int do_activescan(int argc, char **argv)
    int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, (void **) &scan_args);
    if (nerrors != 0) {
        arg_print_errors(stderr, scan_args.end, argv[0]);
        return 1;
    int timeout=3;
    if (scan_args.timeout->count)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Start active scan (timeout=%d)",
    if (esp_zb_lock_acquire(100))
    return 0;

i never seen a network with join disabled

rickou commented 5 months ago

hi again, i just made a test at same location but with another usb dongle (EZSP) with bellows on python.

bellows -b 57600 -d COM5 scan -t 100
Scanning channels 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
[EmberZigbeeNetwork(channel=11, panId=0x2317, extendedPanId=18:11:23:17:00:00:00:00, allowingJoin=<Bool.false: 0>, stackProfile=2, nwkUpdateId=0), 35, -73]
[EmberZigbeeNetwork(channel=11, panId=0x2317, extendedPanId=18:11:23:17:00:00:00:00, allowingJoin=<Bool.false: 0>, stackProfile=2, nwkUpdateId=0), 194, -68]
[EmberZigbeeNetwork(channel=11, panId=0x2317, extendedPanId=18:11:23:17:00:00:00:00, allowingJoin=<Bool.false: 0>, stackProfile=2, nwkUpdateId=0), 251, -63]
[EmberZigbeeNetwork(channel=14, panId=0xDEBA, extendedPanId=47:42:30:30:30:31:31:37, allowingJoin=<Bool.true: 1>, stackProfile=2, nwkUpdateId=0), 255, -67]

i can found 2 networks (i don't know why the 1st one appears 3 times, sometimes only 2 times) as you can see, RSSI levels are quite similar, and 1 network do not allow join, the 2nd one permit it..

I confirm, i suspect something is wrong in the ESP ZB lib


xieqinan commented 5 months ago

@rickou ,

Alright, thanks for your test, I will double-check the implementation of esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request() .

xppt commented 5 months ago

@xieqinan, hi! Is it also possible to add void *user_ctx transparent argument for both esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request and its callback?

xieqinan commented 5 months ago


The esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request() already has the capability to scan closed networks in esp-zigbee-sdk v1.4.0. Could you update to this version and test again? If you have any other questions, please reopen this issue.

rickou commented 5 months ago

Yes it works now ! Is there any changelog somewhere ?

xieqinan commented 4 months ago

@rickou ,

The change log can refer to