espressif / esptool-js

Javascript implementation of flasher tool for Espressif chips, running in web browser using WebSerial.
Apache License 2.0
251 stars 101 forks source link

When the flash is erased and the power is accidentally cut off, the connection will be stuck in "connecting..." #142

Open HenTaiCJN opened 1 month ago

HenTaiCJN commented 1 month ago

Under normal circumstances, the connection prompt is


This may take a long time, but at least the connection will be successful.

When the flash is erased and the power is accidentally cut off, the connection will be stuck in "connecting...".

 async connect(mode = "default_reset", attempts = 7, detecting = false) {
        let i;
        let resp;"Connecting...", false);
        await this.transport.connect(this.romBaudrate, this.serialOptions);
        for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
            resp = await this._connectAttempt(mode, false);
            if (resp === "success") {
            resp = await this._connectAttempt(mode, true);
            if (resp === "success") {

I speculate that the program is stuck at 'await this.transport.connect(this.romBaudrate, this.serialOptions);',but I don't know how to solve it. I tried to flash the firmware using esptool.exe, and esptool.exe worked normally. So the device itself should be fine.

brianignacio5 commented 1 month ago

Which board or chip are you using ?

Could you copy the trace ? Which Baud rate are you using ?

HenTaiCJN commented 1 month ago

Which board or chip are you using ?

Could you copy the trace ? Which Baud rate are you using ?

Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision v3.0) Baudrate is 115200 trace keeps printing a lot of the same stuff, filling up my console

webserial.js:234 Slip reader results
webserial.js:47 TRACE 12653.000 Read 0 bytes:                 
webserial.js:228 Read bytes
webserial.js:47 TRACE 7726.000 Read 6626 bytes:
657473204a756c20 3239203230313920 | ets Jul 29 2019
31323a32313a3436 0d0a0d0a7273743a | 12:21:46....rst:
3078312028504f57 45524f4e5f524553 | 0x1 (POWERON_RES
4554292c626f6f74 3a30783132202853 | ET),boot:0x12 (S
50495f464153545f 464c4153485f424f | PI_FAST_FLASH_BO
4f54290d0a657473 204a756c20323920 | OT)..ets Jul 29
323031392031323a 32313a34360d0a0d | 2019 12:21:46...
0a7273743a307831 2028504f5745524f | .rst:0x1 (POWERO
4e5f524553455429 2c626f6f743a3078 | N_RESET),boot:0x
313220285350495f 464153545f464c41 | 12 (SPI_FAST_FLA
53485f424f4f5429 0d0a696e76616c69 | SH_BOOT)..invali
6420686561646572 3a203078666666666 | d header: 0xffff
666666660d0a696e 76616c6964206865 | ffff..invalid he
616465723a203078 66666666666666666 | ader: 0xffffffff
0d0a696e76616c69 6420686561646572 | ..invalid header
3a20307866666666 666666660d0a696e | :
76616c6964206865 616465723a203078 | valid header: 0x
666666666666666 0d0a696e76616c69 | ffffffff..invali
6420686561646572 3a203078666666666 | d header: 0xffff
666666660d0a696e 76616c6964206865 | ffff..invalid he
616465723a203078 66666666666666666 | ader: 0xffffffff
0d0a696e76616c69 6420686561646572 | ..invalid header
3a20307866666666 666666660d0a696e | :
76616c6964206865 616465723a203078 | valid header: 0x
66666666666666666 0d0a657473204a75 | ffffffff..ets Ju
6c20323920323031 392031323a32313a | l 29 2019 12:21:
34360d0a0d0a7273 743a307831302028 | 46....rst:0x10 (
5254435744545f52 54435f5245534554 | RTCWDT_RTC_RESET
292c626f6f743a30 7831322028535049 | ),boot:0x12 (SPI
5f464153545f464c 4153485f424f4f54 | _FAST_FLASH_BOOT
290d0a696e76616c 6964206865616465 | )..invalid heade
723a203078666666 66666666660d0a69 | r: 0xffffffff..i
6e76616c69642068 65616465723a2030 | nvalid header: 0
7866666666666666 660d0a696e76616c | xffffffff..inval
6964206865616465 723a203078666666 | id header: 0xfff
66666666660d0a69 6e76616c69642068 | fffff..invalid h
65616465723a2030 78666666666666666 | edge: 0xfffffff
660d0a696e76616c 6964206865616465 | f..invalid heade
723a203078666666 66666666660d0a69 | r: 0xffffffff..i
6e76616c69642068 65616465723a2030 | nvalid header: 0
7866666666666666 660d0a696e76616c | xffffffff..inval
6964206865616465 723a203078666666 | id header: 0xfff
66666666660d0a69 6e76616c69642068 | fffff..invalid h
65616465723a2030 78666666666666666 | edge: 0xfffffff
660d0a657473204a 756c203239203230 | f..ets Jul 29 20
31392031323a3231 3a34360d0a0d0a72 | 19 12:21:46....r
73743a3078313020 285254435744545f | st:0x10 (RTCWDT_
5254435f52455345 54292c626f6f743a | RTC_RESET),boot:
3078313220285350 495f464153545f46 | 0x12 (SPI_FAST_F
4c4153485f424f4f 54290d0a696e7661 | LASH_BOOT)..inva