espressif / esptool

Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility
GNU General Public License v2.0
5.61k stars 1.39k forks source link command not found (ESPTOOL-915) #343

Closed jain-Anuj closed 6 years ago

jain-Anuj commented 6 years ago

I am trying to flash a file to esp8266 using esptool but i am again agaiin facing the same error " command not found". I have both python 3.6.4 and python 2.7 installed in my ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and i am using pip install esptool to install it. screenshot from 2018-08-05 23-50-48

jain-Anuj commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-08-05 23-53-01

projectgus commented 6 years ago

Hi @gitAnuj1234 ,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I think this might be a PATH issue with your install.

If you run "pip" as a normal user on Linux (ie pip install esptool rather than sudo pip install esptool then the executable is installed to the directory ~/local/.bin directory (ie the hidden .local/bin directory inside your home directory).

In a default Ubuntu install, this directory is normally part of your user's PATH (there's a line in .profile which adds it). Maybe the .profile file or the PATH has been modified on your install.

Some workarounds, either of which should which should work:

jain-Anuj commented 6 years ago

thanks @projectgus for the help I used sudo pip install esptool instead of pip install esptool as advised by you and it worked ....thanks for the help

projectgus commented 6 years ago

Great to hear @gitAnuj1234, thanks for the update.

CodeThrustersDev commented 3 months ago

Im also facing the same issue but i use windows 10, im just a begginer so i dont really know what im doing