Closed eme-bennytang closed 10 months ago
Any thoughts on this? Any help would be a great help ;)
Hi @eme-bennytang, sorry for not getting to this sooner! I will get you appropriate support as soon as possible.
Hello @eme-bennytang,
It looks like the external signature generated using the above commands does not create a valid RSA-PSS signature, but an RSA signature. Though as you have mentioned above,
which gives me perfect 384 bytes signature (same as the 384 bytes RSA-PSS signature result in the signature block format)
I would like you to re-check the openssl commands used to generate the signature. (openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private_key.pem -out signature.bin bootloader.bin
One way to make sure that the generated signatures using the above command do not satisfy RSA-PSS signature padding is by generating two signatures using the same command and comparing the signatures. The two signatures should differ as PSS uses random data, thus the two signatures with the same input are different and both can be used to validate the original data.
You can use the below openssl commands to generate a correct RSA-PSS signature:
Generate signing key: generate_signing_key --version 2 privateKey.pem
openssl genrsa -out privateKey.pem 3072
Generate the hash of the bootloader binary:
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary bootloader.bin > hashed_bootloader.bin
Generate signature:
openssl pkeyutl -sign \
-in hashed_bootloader.bin -inkey privateKey.pem \
-out signature.bin \
-pkeyopt digest:sha256 \
-pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss \
-pkeyopt rsa_pss_saltlen:32
Extract public key extract_public_key --version 2 --keyfile privateKey.pem publicKey.pem
openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -pubout > publicKey.pem
Verify signature:
openssl pkeyutl -verify \
-in hashed_bootloader.bin -sigfile signature.bin \
-pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss \
-pubin -inkey publicKey.pem \
-pkeyopt rsa_pss_saltlen:32 \
-pkeyopt digest:sha256
Finally you can use the generated signature to create and append a signature block to the bootloader binary: sign_data --version 2 --pub-key publicKey.pem --signature signature.bin --output bootloader_signed.bin bootloader.bin
Hi @Harshal5
Thanks for the great help! We have successfully created the required signature (and thus the signature block) using your commands.
I will close this issue. :)
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Esptool Version
v4.7.0 #bff9334
Python Version
Python 3.10.2
Full Esptool Command Line that Was Run sign_data --version 2 --pub-key public_key.pem --signature signature.bin --output bootloader_signed.bin bootloader.bin
Esptool Output
What is the Expected Behaviour?
It should give me bootloader with 4k signature block.
More Information
I have the need to separate the signing process and the building process. Moreover, I can't guarantee the signing process will be done in
Thus I am looking for ways to create the 4K bytes signature block with a signature provided from the signer.
The command below suppose to do the trick, but failed to do so. sign_data --version 2 --pub-key public_key.pem --signature signature.bin --output bootloader_signed.bin bootloader.bin
I created the signature.bin with
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private_key.pem -out signature.bin bootloader.bin
which gives me perfect 384 bytes signature (same as the 384 bytes RSA-PSS signature result in the signature block format)I verified the signature by below command
openssl dgst -verify public_key.pem -keyform PEM -sha256 -signature signature.bin -binary bootloader.bin
So there is no way the signature is invalid. Is there an issue on this command? Or did I misuse it?
Other Steps to Reproduce
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