espressif / idf-component-manager

Tool for installing ESP-IDF components
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Markdown code fences rendered incorrectly in published ESP-IDF component (PACMAN-714) #42

Closed tronical closed 9 months ago

tronical commented 9 months ago

The Component Manager version


ESP-IDF Version


python Version


Operating System

macOS 13.5.2

Browser (for Issues)

Safari 16.6, Chrome 116.0.5845.179, Firefox 117.0


We recently uploaded a new component to the ESP-IDF component registry, slint/slint. The README of the component uses markdown and code fences to explain how to use the component in a step-by-step tutorial. The exactly README that we uploaded can be found here:

The result can be see at

In the markdown of the README we include the following C++ code fence:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <esp_err.h>
#include <bsp/display.h>
#include <bsp/esp-bsp.h>
#include <slint-esp.h>


#include "appwindow.h"

extern "C" void app_main(void)
    /* Initialize display  */
    esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io_handle = NULL;
    esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle = NULL;
    const bsp_display_config_t bsp_disp_cfg = {
        .max_transfer_sz = DRAW_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(uint16_t),
    bsp_display_new(&bsp_disp_cfg, &panel_handle, &io_handle);

     /* Set display brightness to 100% */

    std::optional<esp_lcd_touch_handle_t> touch_handle;

    /* Allocate a drawing buffer */
    static std::vector<slint::platform::Rgb565Pixel> buffer(BSP_LCD_H_RES * BSP_LCD_V_RES);

    /* Initialize Slint's ESP platform support*/
    slint_esp_init(slint::PhysicalSize({ BSP_LCD_H_RES, BSP_LCD_V_RES }), panel_handle,
                                       touch_handle, buffer);
    /* Instantiate the UI */
    auto ui = AppWindow::create();
    /* Show it on the screen and run the event loop */

The resulting rendering at however escapes various characters wrongly and changes casing.

For example #include <bsp/display.h> becomes this:

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 11 39 10

Or static std::vector<slint::platform::Rgb565Pixel> buffer(BSP_LCD_H_RES * BSP_LCD_V_RES); becomes this:

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 11 39 43

Note how the letter casing changed wrongly.

bsp_display_new(&bsp_disp_cfg, &panel_handle, &io_handle); becomes this:

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 11 40 27

And finally ui->run(); becomes this:

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 11 40 50

The unfortunately consequence of the mis-rendering is that users who are trying to follow the steps by copy & paste find their project not compiling and having to fix up the source code by hand.

To Reproduce

The reproduce, just open and compare the rendering with the source at

Expected behaviour

I expected the rendering of code fences to retain the exact C++ code formatting, so that it can be copy & pasted.

Additional info

No response

I have checked existing issues and online Documentation

kumekay commented 9 months ago

@tronical Thank you for opening this issue. It really looks like a bug, we will address it.

Even though markdown is relatively simple format, it's poorly standardised and making it render "just like GitHub does" is not so trivial task, but hope eventually we will be able to cover all edge cases.

tronical commented 9 months ago

Thanks for looking into this. I'd be happy to work around this in our README in any way possible. We don't need GitHub-like rendering, just a a plain code fence.

Is there a way of working around it? Are you using a markdown renderer that I could run locally to verify how to escape the characters on our end so that the code fence works?

kumekay commented 9 months ago

@tronical Unfortunately I'm not aware of workaround right now, we will investigate the issue next week and let you know. I'm pretty sure no action will be required from you to make it render correctly.

We are planning to add a command to preview documentation locally before committing, but it's not available yet.

Markdown rendered in few passes. I suppose this behaviour is a side effect either of mermaid diagrams or MathJax equations

kumekay commented 9 months ago

@tronical The issue was fixed on the server, now code snippets are rendered correctly


tronical commented 9 months ago

Thank you ❤️