espressif / idf-eclipse-plugin

Espressif-IDE (based on Eclipse CDT) for ESP-IDF CMake based projects 4.x and above
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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ESPRESSIF IDF manager relies on incorrect python paths (IEP-1271) #1002

Open emaayan opened 5 days ago

emaayan commented 5 days ago

when attempting to install IDF tools in the manager i've often encountered errors when it does:

Executing python.exe export --format=key-value and i get something like this: Executing null/Scripts/python.exe C:\Users\User\eclipse\cpp-2024-06\esp-idf-v5.1.4\tools\ --list-targets which naturally files with errors of files not found in python the problem is that i'm using python i got from msys64, and is in my path. so for some reason the IDF manager gets hooked into that. there are several problems here: the first is that this happens even in espressif IDE which is meant to come bundled in i would have expected it to take the python exe from it's own variables

the other issue is that if the python environment is not valid (like missing a scripts folder like what happens in msys64) i would expect the plugin to at least alert that and not continue

alirana01 commented 3 days ago

@emaayan are you using the offline installer or directly downloading IDE from github releases? Espressif IDE itself in standalone is not with python, also what is the output of these commands where python where python3

The python in your %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps is a parse point and see if you are able to run it on terminal from that directory. If it takes you to microsoft store you may have to download it from there and then try the installation of tools in ide

emaayan commented 2 days ago

I'm using the offline installer , accoriding to the docs, the installer contains an embedded python, and doesn't require anything else to be installed

This means that from my pov, that when you add and esp idf framework, the plugin should not only check if the python exe is valid and exist. But also if it's an actually python and not store entry point, as well if entire folder it resides in complies with python enviorment structure, (for example not us-ng mingw64 python)