espressif / idf-eclipse-plugin

Espressif-IDE (ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin) for ESP-IDF CMake based projects 5.x and above
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Eclipse Plugin: Add ability to select ESP-Tools location (IEP-1173) #902

Open christiankarsch opened 9 months ago

christiankarsch commented 9 months ago

Windows 10 64bit Eclipse CDT 2023-12 ESP-IDF plugins for Eclipse 2.3.0 ESP-IDF 5.1.2

An existing ESP-IDF location can be specified, that's good and it also works.

But the additional ESP tools must be installed via the Eclipse plugin (ESP-IDF Tools Manager), there is no option to specify the installation location.

The location will always be %USERPROFILE%.espressif

Even if the tools have already been installed manually.

On our company computers, all applications that are not located in certain locations are blocked from running. E.g. "C:\Program Files" is allowed The user directory and the temp directories are not included.

Even without admin rights, we have write rights to a specific folder to manually install programs there. I also installed the ESP-IDF and the ESP tools there. But I cannot specify the existing ESP-Tools folder in Eclipse.

kolipakakondal commented 9 months ago

Hi @christiankarsch The recommended approach for now would be to configure the IDF_TOOLS_PATH environment variable at the system level/user level. Afterward, restart Eclipse and proceed to install the tools. They will be installed in the custom-configured tools path.

In future releases, we will provide an option to configure Tools installation path in the install tools dialog itself to have a better usablity.

kolipakakondal commented 8 months ago

@alirana01 Please include this in esp-idf managers view implementation.

We could provide two options:

  1. Workspace-level configuration for all ESP-IDF installations (managed through preferences).
  2. ESP-IDF configuration level, where users could select a specific tools location for each ESP-IDF (managed through wizard configuration).

At least we can target option 1 for IEP v2.13.0.